Exploring the Science of Lifespan and the Influence of Your Five Senses | Presented by Christi Gendron at TED – Video

Exploring the Science of Lifespan and the Influence of Your Five Senses | Presented by Christi Gendron at TED – Video

The Science of Lifespan — and the Impact of Your Five Senses | Christi Gendron | TED

In Christi Gendron’s TED Talk, “The Science of Lifespan — and the Impact of Your Five Senses”, she explores how our senses can influence our lifespan. Gendron explains that our experiences, from what we see, smell, hear, taste, and touch, can all have an impact on how long we live. By using our senses to make decisions, we are not only influencing our behavior but also our emotions and physical responses.

Gendron delves into studies conducted on worms, flies, and mice, showing how exposure to certain environmental signals can affect their lifespan. She emphasizes the similarities between these animals and humans at a genetic level, highlighting the potential impact of environmental signals on human aging.

By focusing on the nervous system, Gendron’s research aims to understand how environmental signals affect lifespan. Through experiments on fruit flies, she demonstrates how sensory experiences can alter biological processes and ultimately influence longevity.

Gendron’s talk sheds light on the complex relationship between our senses, environmental signals, and aging. By understanding these connections, we can potentially develop interventions to promote healthy aging and longevity. Overall, Gendron’s captivating talk challenges us to consider the profound impact of our sensory experiences on our health and lifespan.

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Video “The Science of Lifespan — and the Impact of Your Five Senses | Christi Gendron | TED” was uploaded on 05/27/2024 to Youtube Channel TED