Facing the Biodiversity Crisis: How Our Food System is Fueling the Issue | Praise for Planet Earth

Facing the Biodiversity Crisis: How Our Food System is Fueling the Issue | Praise for Planet Earth

In a world where biodiversity is under threat, our food system is a major driver of the crisis. This stark reality is explored in the ninth episode of ‘All Hail The Planet’, a series that delves into the social, economic, and political forces that are contributing to climate change.

The episode features insightful conversations with experts in the field, including scholar and food rights activist Vandana Shiva, farmer and former leader of Via Campesina Elizabeth Mpoful, landscape architect and environmental educator Costa Georgiadis, and biologist and Svalbard Global Seed Vault coordinator Åsmund Asdal. Together, they shed light on the ways in which our global food system is impacting the planet’s biodiversity and the value of preserving it.

While the images of endangered predators and forests being razed are more commonly associated with species extinction, the episode challenges viewers to consider the supermarket aisle as a symbol of the profound impact our food choices have on the environment. Despite the appearance of abundance, supermarket shelves are actually reflective of the widespread environmental degradation caused by our current food system.

As we continue to grapple with the urgent need for action on climate change, ‘All Hail The Planet’ offers a thought-provoking look at the role of our food system in shaping the future of biodiversity on Earth.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “There’s a biodiversity crisis and our food system is driving it | All Hail The Planet” was uploaded on 07/11/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English