Famous Apple Pie in 10 minutes! 🔝 3 Simple and Delicious Recipes!
Recipe #1
Ingredients: (24×24 cm pan size)
Eggs – 3 pieces
Salt – a pinch
Sugar – 130 grams
Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp
Flour – 300 grams
Baking powder – 10 grams
Butter – 70 grams
Milk – 180 ml
Apples – 3 pieces
Bake at 180°C (356~°F) for 35 – 40 minutes
Recipe #2
Ingredients: (22 cm pan diameter)
Flour – 250 g/1.5 cups
Baking powder – 1 tsp
Butter (cold) – 100 g/3.5 ounces
Egg – 1 piece
Salt – a pinch
Sugar – 4 tbsp
Sour cream/yogurt – 2 tbsp
Apples – 3-4 pieces
Eggs – 2 pieces
Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp
Sugar – 4 tbsp
Cornstarch – 2 tbsp
Sour cream – 250 g/8.8 ounces
Almond flakes (optional)
Bake at 180°C (356~°F) for 50 minutes
Recipe #3
Eggs – 4 pieces
Salt – a pinch
Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp
Sugar – 200 g/1 cup
Flour – 160 g/1 cup
Baking powder – 0.5 tsp
Apples – 3 pieces
Pan size 20 x 20 cm
Cup – 250 ml
Bake at 180°C (356~°F) for 35 minutes
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Watch the video by Ellen’s Kitchen
Video “Знаменитый яблочный пирог за 10 минут❗️ 🔝 3 Простых и вкусных рецепта!” was uploaded on 10/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Ellen’s Kitchen
Wspaniała propozycja świetnej szarlotki, której smak podkreślają jej niezwykłość, posypana płatkami migdałów,imponuje swym urokiem i bogatym smakiem i aromatem.👍😍🌹❤️
Cudowna propozycja wykwintnego ciasta z jabłkami , które polane wykwintnym kremem i posypane płatkami migdałów, podkreślają smak, aromat i niezwykłość ciasta.👍😍🌹❤️
وصفات كلها مميزة لكيك التفاح شكراً لك على مجهوداتك الرائعة وتسلم يديك ❤❤
Jabłka zalane puszystym ciastem i upieczone do nieskazitelnej perfekcji,to cudowny smak i aromat ciasta.👍😍🌹❤️
Очень всё понравилось!спасибо вам!обязательно приготовлю!!❤❤
STOP calling this a pie – it's NOT a pie, it's a traybake.
Спасибо вам большое🎉🎉🎉😊😊
Super and delicious! 😊
Wawwwww Delicious ❤❤❤
بجد وصفات هايله تسلم ايدك ❤❤❤
Обовʼязково приготую, дякую за рецепт.
Благодарю изумительные рецепты.Сезон яблок осенний натюрморт.Благодарю!
You always have such wonderful recipes. Thank you!
Tempting and tasty…. Thank you my dear 🪷🪷 watching from Iran ❤
Is it possible to make this cake in a simple square format??
Dear, if we sprinkle cinnamon powder on the eaten apples, is it tasty and appropriate?
My dear, can we make the recipes from these summarized videos, it is very precise and high-quality, can we cook the final ones???
Dear, I wish you would put the full link of all three of these videos in the caption so that I could easily access the full movie??
Merci ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Good evening sister sister am here relaxing an enjoyed full time all the way from jamaica
تحفة ❤❤❤❤
Parabéns, suas receitas são maravilhosas – saborosíssimas e fáceis de executar. Obrigada por compartilhar! ❤👏👏👏Estou em Minas Gerais Brasil
Super Pasibrzuch Lubi Pyszności Pozdrawiam Serdecznie z Polski ❤ Pycha
Спасибо вам за рецепты. Третий рецепт я часто делаю, а вот первых два не знала. Буду печь!
Большое Вам спасибо за рецепты ❤
Pourriez vous avoir la recette de benichnich en français nid d'abeille. D'avance merci .
Malika 🇫🇷
BRAVO! 🙏👍👏👏👏🙋♀️
Danke für die tollen Rezepte ❤️💯👍🌺
Laptele și untul se adaugă după ce s-au răcit sau calde?
Looks amazing may I have the recipe please ty
Ciekawe przepisy Dziękuję i Pozdrawiam 🌹🏵️