The movie “Looks Can Kill” takes viewers into the glamorous world of a prestigious modeling agency called Euphoria, where the lives of its models take a dangerous turn. When unexpected events throw the agency into chaos, Detective Alice Carter steps in to uncover the truth behind the mysteries.
As Alice digs deeper into the secrets of the agency, she uncovers a web of jealousy, romances, and rivalries that point to someone using the fashion industry as a stage for their own agenda. The investigation leads Alice to realize that things are not as they seem in this world built on perfection, and only those who can see beyond the surface will find the answers they seek.
Directed by Jasmine Ebony Thomas and written by Tom Hillery, “Looks Can Kill” stars Danielle Scott, Barbara Dabson, and Antonia Whillans. With its intriguing storyline and suspenseful plot, this crime thriller is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Subscribe to the KINOPOWER channel to catch this gripping movie and explore more thrilling cinematic experiences.
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Video “Seductive Girls Caught in a Dangerous Game With a Serial Killer / The best Crime Thriller movie” was uploaded on 11/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Kinopower
A wonderful film! I recommend it. Watching from the USA
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