The situation in Syria has taken a turn for the worst, with fears of a civil war looming as more than 1,000 people, mostly Alawites, have been reported killed in recent days. The violence erupted after loyalists of former President Bashar al-Assad ambushed government forces in Latakia Province. The BBC has not been able to independently verify the death toll, but reports suggest that whole families, including children, have been targeted in the violence.
The Alawites, a minority sect of Shia Muslims from which the Assad family hails, have been the primary victims of the recent attacks. The interim leader, Ahmed al-Sharaa, who played a key role in ousting Assad, has called for peace and initiated an investigation into the violence. However, he has yet to directly address allegations that atrocities are being committed by his supporters. Protests against the violence have erupted in Damascus, highlighting the growing unrest among Syrians.
The United Nations has received “extremely disturbing” reports of the violence and is urging the interim authorities in Syria to take swift action to protect civilians. The United States has also called on the Syrian leadership to hold the perpetrators accountable for the atrocities.
The situation in Syria is rapidly deteriorating, with the risk of a civil war increasing by the day. The international community must act quickly to prevent further bloodshed and protect innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The world is watching as the fate of Syria hangs in the balance.
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Video “Fears of civil war in Syria as more than 1,000 reported killed | BBC News” was uploaded on 03/10/2025 to Youtube Channel BBC News
STOP the war! ❤ Peace
These people are psychotic. Please God help them find peace..
wearies ya
AGAIN ????
The leader of Syrya is himself ISIS he never stop blooding in the country. 😢
Terrorists Allah ☠️
The world is in such a turbulence. Rip 2000s.
Their leader was involved with ISIS. He is a terrorist. What more could you expect?
ترامب يبيع جنسيته الأمريكية مقابل 5 ملايين دولار. يحق لهم عين في أمريكا، يريدون البيع والرحيل
tramb yabie jinsiatah al'amrikiat muqabil 5 malayin dularin. yahiqu lahum eayn fi 'amrika, yuridun albaye walrahil
This is Israel's and the US fault
This is the leadership Joe Biden's administration backed
Why not say Christians when they say the minority BBC don't want Islam to look bad
Ever wonder where these people get money to buy weapons. Who funds them? 🤔
Hasnt Syria been involved in Civil war the past 15 years at least
The terrorist Stamer approved of & welcomed in the new regime. Absolutely disgusting! Sickening who they will cosy up to.
Arabs NEED to learn love, peace, diversity, inclusion and tolerance.
Arabs need to give up their lust
for a jew free middle east.
Arabs NEED to give up their lust for a caliphate.
Iranians are not even arabs, they are occupiers.
If you love jesus, love israel.
Jesus was jewish.
He did not die so that israel would not exist.
Gazans=76 years of being victims and refugees, who cares anymore.
Arabs do not care about gazans.
Arabs 18 hours a day being occupied by thoughts of stealing israel and of ethnically
ckeansing jews from israel.
Save the christians in syria.
Save the kurds in turkey.
turkey killed more then a thousand kurds and continues the killing why arent you reporting about that?
Why do I feel as if they’re doing this so that those in Europe can remain under their refugee status since now more EU countries are revoking it
Over 2000 were slaughtered in a massacre.
The dead count was 2400 as of Saturday, now the number surpasses 10000. Lame BBC.
There will be a civil war in the uk soon Defundthebbc
Islam is the problem, Everywhere it goes, Reject it at all costs
What did anyone expect – Atiger cannot change their stripes…….Islam is a religious supremacist religion it seeks to snuff out and destroy all other religions or at least live above them while making them pay a protection tax like the Mafia (Jizya)……. Islam has destroyed most minorities in the Middle East – Coptics, Jews, Kurds, Assyrians. this is nothing new…….. Wake up world. Islam's mission is to try to dominate earth. Don't confuse politics for their perverted world view.
this what happens when you put ISIS leader and chechenian fighters as president and army that is under turkey control
Why aren't there any protestors protesting for the genocide in Syria like Palestinian?
I'm shocked, I tell you. SHOCKED!!!………….
More dreadful reporting by the BBC. Syria has been in civil war for over ten years! It hasn't suddenly stopped because an army of islamists took over from Assad. The BBC heavily criticised Israel for destroying Syrian arms stocks, including chemical weapons. Thank goodness they did, otherwise these genocidal islamic fanatics would be using on their own people, they already did that in Aleppo, but on all there minority religions and Israel. WAKE UP BBC FIRE YOUR ISLAMIST JOURNOLISTS AND EDITORS AND EMPLOY SOME PROPER JOURNOLISTS
It's a Ramadan tradition
BBC shilled for these islamists sicne 2011.
Evil men 😮😢
Too bad i have no faith in BBC.
Shitty BBC reporting again! Most news agencies put the number of murders as high as 4500 and at least half of them are innocent Christian men, women and children! The Syrian leader has shown his true colour pretty quickly, but as usual, the terrorists supporting BBC lies!
Of course, this is happening. Remember from CNN saying sunni islamists or islamists may have taken power. But let's just be happy Bashar Al-Assad is overthrown.
What do you expect
Suit and neckties can't change the ex t3rrorists and non elected so call new "leaders" of Syria
You overthrown one dictator for another one Same sh!t.
Netanyahu’s plan to control the Middle East continues regardless of how many people die, the west fully backed this criminal and continue to do so shamelessly…
The Syrian state no longer has real sovereignty; it has become merely a tool in Turkey’s hands, executing its policies and agendas in the region. Turkey uses Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham as a military arm to strike against all other communities, including non-loyalist Arabs, Christians, Druze, and especially the Kurds, who are subjected to continuous campaigns of displacement and persecution. This policy serves Turkish interests by expanding its influence in Syria through the fragmentation of the social fabric and the incitement of sectarian and ethnic conflicts. As a result, it entrenches instability in the country and turns it into an open arena for regional and international conflicts.
Cilvil war or massacre of civilians? Whats with the misleading language?
Any where CIA steps disaster begins. In few years you will worship Assad
You state it as a fact who attacked who?
Assad never allowed this to happen, the Christians where safe. Even the BBC supported these ISIS fighters taking Assad down. Well heres your victory!
Syria being dragged in civil war?
Come on man, 4 weeks of less fighting than the decade before?
They aren't going to investigate the killings because they Hayat Tarir Al-Sham are the murderers.