Fighter jets from US and Canada intercept Russian and Chinese bombers in proximity to Alaska

Fighter jets from US and Canada intercept Russian and Chinese bombers in proximity to Alaska

Canadian and American fighter jets were called into action on Wednesday as they intercepted two Russian and two Chinese bombers over international airspace near Alaska. According to NORAD, the bombers were not seen as a threat, but the joint air patrol conducted by China and Russia over the Bearing Sea raised concerns. U.S. Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin stated that the interception was not a surprise and demonstrated the readiness of their forces. He also emphasized that adversaries are continuously testing the U.S. military. The incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing tensions between global superpowers and the importance of vigilant defense measures.

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Video “US, Canada fighter jets intercept Russian and Chinese bombers near Alaska” was uploaded on 07/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News