The TEDxTainan Salon video titled “在無助中尋找改變的力量:動物醫療的永續藍圖” features speaker 簡肇儀 discussing the power of change within the field of animal healthcare. Through his passionate and informative talk, he delves into the importance of sustainable practices in animal medicine and how they can make a significant impact on the well-being of both animals and the environment.
簡肇儀 emphasizes the need for ethical and compassionate treatment of animals in the medical field, as well as the importance of implementing innovative solutions for long-term sustainability. He shares his personal experiences and insights on how individuals can work together to create a brighter future for animal healthcare.
Overall, this TEDxTainan Salon video serves as a thought-provoking reminder of the significant role that each of us plays in fostering positive change in the world of animal medicine. It encourages viewers to consider the ways in which they can contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate future for all beings.
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Author Video Description
簡肇儀院長分享了她作為臨床獸醫師與飼主的真實心聲,從陪伴愛貓達浪的醫療經歷談起,揭露台灣動物醫療產業中的挑戰與突破。她不僅強調了獸醫助理在團隊中不可或缺的重要性,也展望未來台灣在獸醫教育與技術人才培訓上的可能性。讓我們一起探討如何實現動物醫療的永續發展,為動物和飼主帶來更美好的未來。 簡肇儀,來自台灣三代四人的獸醫世家,台南中美獸醫院總院長朱碧娥和亞洲大學獸醫系主任簡基憲的獨生女。2014年返台後,致力於台南市動保處的流浪動物結紮工作,深入各鄉鎮進行動物絕育和晶片植入,減少流浪動物對生態的影響,並致力於實現社會責任和動物福利的雙重目標。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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Video “在無助中尋找改變的力量:動物醫療的永續藍圖 | 簡肇儀 | TEDxTainan Salon” was uploaded on 01/24/2025 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks
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