First Look at the VW ID 7: The First Electric Car with ChatGPT Technology – Video

First Look at the VW ID 7: The First Electric Car with ChatGPT Technology – Video

VW ID 7: Hands-On With the First ChatGPT-Enabled Electric Car

The Volkswagen ID 7 is making waves in the auto industry as one of the first electric vehicles to feature chat GPT technology in its dashboard. This new partnership between Volkswagen and Sinin brings chat GPT to the forefront of vehicle interaction, allowing for more natural and conversational communication with the car.

Currently, the ID 7 with chat GPT can handle simple tasks such as adjusting climate controls, initiating messages or phone calls, and conducting basic destination searches. However, the real game-changer is the potential for more nuanced interactions in the future. With chat GPT, the ID 7 will be able to understand and respond to more complex commands and questions, creating a more human-like conversation between driver and car.

For example, instead of simply asking for a nearby restaurant, users will eventually be able to specify a craving, like chicken parmesan, and the car will provide a list of Italian restaurants nearby. This level of nuance and understanding is made possible by the chat GPT technology, which allows for more sophisticated and detailed communication.

What’s even more exciting is that this advanced technology will be seamlessly integrated into the vehicles, with no need for extra downloads or sign-ups. The ID 7 with chat GPT is set to launch in Europe in Q2 2024, with North American availability soon to follow, promising a new era of intuitive and conversational vehicle interactions. The VW ID 7 with chatGPT is truly revolutionizing the driving experience through cutting-edge AI technology.

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Generative AI is one of the hottest Technologies today and it’s on the tip of everybody’s tongue and chat GPT is probably the most recognizable version of the tech we’re here with Volkswagen’s upcoming id7 one of the first electric vehicles to feature chat GPT in the dashboard to get a look at how that

Technolog is going to affect the way you use it on the road now specifically what we’re talking about today is a new partnership between Volkswagen and sinin to add chat GPT to the dashboard of Volkswagen’s new gasoline and electric vehicles now today I can do pretty simple things like adjusting the climate

Controls uh initiating messages or phone calls or even doing pretty simple destination searches but in the future you’ll be able to talk to her like a human being and get natural messages back from the cloud so here’s how it works you’ll ask Ida a question and if it can’t be handled locally Volkswagen

Will pass it up through the cloud to the serent servers and there it will get processed by chat gbt and then the car will speak back to you in a pretty natural way so right now today you can say hey Ida set the temperature to 69° all right I’m setting the

Temperature in the left front area to 69.0 De but in the future you’ll be able to say hey Ida I’m a little chilly okay warming the left front side now and it’ll be smart enough to realize that chilly means that I am cold and that the response to that is to bring

The temperature up and that I’m sitting in the driver’s seat so maybe warm up this side of the car that’s the level of nuance that they’re bringing so today you can say hey Ida find a restaurant nearby there are multiple search results could you please select an entry from

The list and it’ll give you a list of generic restaurants nearby however in the future you’ll be able to say hello Ida I’m hungry for chicken parmesan there are multiple search results could you please select an entry from the list and the list of restaurants will be populated by Italian

Restaurants nearby because it knows what chicken parmesan is and it can respond to that question specifically and because it’s based on chat GPT you can do more than just ask it to do things relative to the car you can ask it more complicated conversational questions like hello

Ida ask chat GPT to tell me about CET in one sentence according to chat GPT CNET is a popular technology media website that provides news reviews and information on gadgets consumer electronics and Technology Trends now one of the best parts about Volkswagen and s’s partnership is because all of it happens

In the cloud you don’t have to do anything to get it you don’t have to download anything or sign up for a chat PPT account you’ll just get in your Volkswagen and one day it’ll be smarter the technology should start rolling out in Q2 2024 in Europe and hopefully

Arrive later this year in North America and the id4 and the id7

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Video “VW ID 7: Hands-On With the First ChatGPT-Enabled Electric Car” was uploaded on 01/09/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET