“Slipaway” tells the heartwarming story of a homeless young musician who finds an unlikely companion in a feisty elderly widow when he moves into her sailboat. As the two navigate their differences and confront their haunting pasts, they begin to help each other unlock their dreams.
Directed and written by Julia Bulter and Daniel Mentz, the film features a talented cast including Elaine Partnow, Jesse Pepe, Alisa Vilena, Sadie Johansson, Alain Washnevsky, and Hossein Mardani. Released in 2017, “Slipaway” is a romantic drama that explores themes of friendship, healing, and the power of human connection.
With subtitles available, this touching tale is sure to captivate audiences and leave them with a renewed sense of hope and inspiration. “Slipaway” is a must-watch for lovers of heartfelt storytelling and emotional depth.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “Slipaway (Romantic) Full Movie” was uploaded on 12/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
I love the love between the two but i’m trying to understand the ending🤔Why did Adam leave Fall alone on the boat? Why didn’t he accompany her sailing?
Moze li prevod filma
What an absolutely beautiful piece of work. Loved every minute of it
Touched by the true spirit of the story. The care. The love. Much needed today. If only more humans were created with so much love.
Wonderful story.
Minunata poveste ❤❤❤
What happened to the ending? Was that the ending to leave an old lady in the boat to sail alone and he returns back in a boat???
Lindo filme! Recheado de amor, carinho, respeito e confiança. Emocionante! Amei!❤
Muitos nao estao preparados para este fim. 😢
Beautiful movie 💖
She said when she was ready to go…she'd gooooo…and so she did!!!!!
Beautiful story…
Wait, why did he leave her in the end 😭
Svp, pourriez-vous annoncer a l'avance que le film n'est pas en francais. Perte de temps donc 👎👎
49:15 this moment gave me goosebumps.
It is heartbreaking and heartwarming all in one.
Excellent movie. Loved it❤
Mulțumesc frumos un film frumos.
incroyablement magnifique ce film m'a profondément touché j'arriver même pas à tenir mes larmes surtout vers la fin 😢merci pour ce très beau moment ❤❤❤
inspiring flm.. it's always make me cry…,😭😭
I loved this movie until I realised that it is romantic twist in suicide.
Life is in the hands of the Lord God Almighty and taking it in our hands is not in His will.
What a brilliant movie, so heart wrenching. But a sad ending. Was hoping Fall would leave the boat to Adam in her Will. Both are great actors.