Florida Man Survives Falling 60 Feet from Tree with Minor Injuries – Video Included

Florida Man Survives Falling 60 Feet from Tree with Minor Injuries – Video Included

A man in Florida miraculously survived a fall from a 60-foot-tall tree with only minor injuries. Christopher James Sikes Smalley was preparing to jump from a tree at Crystal Springs Vernon when the branch broke, sending him plummeting into the water below.

Despite hitting and breaking another branch on the way down, Smalley emerged from the fall with only bruising on his legs and foot injuries. He explained that he usually jumps from a smaller branch and it was his first time attempting the jump from that height.

In an interview with Storyful, Smalley described the fall as “crazy” and admitted that he knew he was going down the moment he heard the branch crack. While his injuries were relatively minor, the incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of risky behavior.

The video of the fall has since gone viral, with viewers stunned by Smalley’s resilience and luck. It serves as a cautionary tale for thrill-seekers to always prioritize safety and caution when engaging in adventurous activities.

Watch the video by New York Post

Video “WATCH: Florida man falls 60 feet from tree with only minor injuries” was uploaded on 07/10/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post