France 24 English: Remembering France’s Forgotten Colonial Troops and the Provence Landings on D-Day

France 24 English: Remembering France’s Forgotten Colonial Troops and the Provence Landings on D-Day

As the world marks the anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, a lesser-known aspect of France’s role in World War II is brought to light in a new documentary titled “The Other D-Day: France’s Forgotten Colonial Troops and the Provence Landings.” The film sheds light on the contribution of colonial troops from France’s overseas territories in the liberation of France from Nazi occupation.

During the war, thousands of soldiers from France’s colonies in North and West Africa, as well as Madagascar and Indochina, were recruited to fight alongside French forces in the liberation of France. However, their contribution has largely been overshadowed and forgotten in historical accounts of the war.

The documentary highlights the challenges faced by these colonial troops, who were often treated as second-class citizens by their French counterparts. Despite their crucial role in the liberation of France, the colonial troops were not given the same recognition or rights as their French counterparts.

The Provence landings, which took place two months after the D-Day landings in Normandy, saw a significant number of colonial troops being deployed to southern France. Their bravery and sacrifice played a crucial role in the success of the operation, yet their stories have been marginalized in the broader narrative of World War II.

Through interviews with historians and descendants of colonial troops, “The Other D-Day” sheds light on the untold stories of these forgotten heroes and calls for a reevaluation of their contribution to the liberation of France. The documentary serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing the diverse contributions of all individuals involved in the fight against Nazi rule, regardless of their background or origin.

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Video “The other D-Day: France’s forgotten colonial troops and the Provence landings • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/16/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English