From 40% to 2%: The Decline of Farming Workers in the US – Video

From 40% to 2%: The Decline of Farming Workers in the US – Video

40% of the US population used to work in farming… Now it’s only 2%

The video highlights the remarkable transformation in the agricultural industry in the United States over the past century, where 40% of the labor force was once involved in farming compared to the mere 2% today. This decrease is attributed to advancements in agriculture technology, better seeds, and improved methods of crop production, leading to greater efficiency and productivity in feeding a growing population.

Dr. Sean B. Carroll, a distinguished biologist and esteemed author, provides valuable insights into the evolution of agriculture and the significant contributions of scientific research in enhancing food security. With his expertise in evolutionary developmental biology, Dr. Carroll sheds light on the genetic foundations of animal development and evolution, shaping our understanding of biodiversity and evolution.

Through his groundbreaking research and acclaimed books, such as “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” and “The Serengeti Rules,” Dr. Carroll effectively communicates complex scientific concepts to a broader audience. His exceptional contributions to science have earned him recognition in the form of prestigious awards and election to the National Academy of Sciences, highlighting his profound impact on research and science education.

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Dr. Sean B. Carroll is a distinguished biologist and esteemed author, acclaimed for his groundbreaking research in evolutionary developmental biology. He holds the position of Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is the Vice President for Science Education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Carroll earned his Ph.D. in Immunology from Tufts University and is renowned for his seminal work on the genetic foundations of animal development and evolution.

His research, which merges molecular genetics with evolutionary biology, has provided critical insights into the processes driving evolution and biodiversity. Dr. Carroll is also an accomplished author, known for his influential books such as “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” and “The Serengeti Rules,” which effectively communicate intricate scientific ideas to a broad readership. His exceptional contributions to science have been recognized with numerous honors, including election to the National Academy of Sciences, underscoring his significant influence on both research and science education.

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Video “40% of the US population used to work in farming… Now it’s only 2%” was uploaded on 06/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Big Think