In her TEDxTainan Salon talk, titled “From Donating a Car to Donating a Mile,” Chen Man-han shares her inspiring journey of giving back to society. Chen discusses how a simple act of donating a car sparked a series of charitable initiatives that eventually led to her founding a non-profit organization dedicated to helping marginalized communities in Taiwan.
Through personal anecdotes and examples, Chen illustrates the power of kindness and generosity in making a positive impact on the world. She emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion in driving social change and encourages individuals to take small steps towards creating a more equitable and compassionate society.
Chen’s talk serves as a poignant reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can ripple outward and create lasting change. By sharing her story, she hopes to inspire others to follow in her footsteps and make a difference in the lives of those in need.
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偏鄉地區的居民因交通問題,面臨就醫與教育資源不足的挑戰,該如何解決?本次演講帶來全新視角——除了捐一台車,可以捐一里路,透過訂閱式交通服務與科技派遣系統,將醫療、教育與生活串聯起來,為偏鄉居民創造穩定、便利的移動生活圈,讓每一段路都為社會帶來正向改變。 現任裕隆集團總管理處公共事務部經理,負責集團公共事務與ESG永續策略推動。過去20年服務於台灣在地汽車集團,關注台灣高齡社會的交通問題解方,啟動「幸福輪轉手」公益計畫,推動台東南迴偏鄉醫療交通專案、9453友善小旅行、雙北高齡長照無障礙交通計畫等。2023年創新打造「愛的里程數」公益平台,透過數位與創新交通設計,串連更多食、醫、助、行的社會參與,讓交通作為地方創生的微血管,用移動服務讓企業ESG發揮最大效益。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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Video “從捐一台車, 到捐一里路 | 陳曼嫻 | TEDxTainan Salon” was uploaded on 01/24/2025 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks
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