“The Liberator” is a thrilling action movie that follows the adrenaline-fueled adventure of Ben Silver, also known as The Liberator. Ben is on a race against time to retrieve a priceless stolen antique and return it undamaged to his mysterious female client, Melinda Page, a reformed cat burglar. As Ben navigates through a world of danger and deception, he must use his martial arts skills to overcome obstacles and complete his mission.
The movie, released in 2017, features a talented cast including Ben Lettieri, Keith Chanter, and Daniel Jordan. Directed and written by Ben Lettieri, along with Jack Lee, Bruce Thomas, and Sean FitzGibbon, “The Liberator” promises to deliver non-stop action, suspense, and intrigue.
With a certificate of TV-MA, this action-packed film is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Fans of action, thriller, mystery, and crime movies will not want to miss out on the excitement that “The Liberator” has to offer.
For those looking for more thrilling content, be sure to check out the Sci-Fi-CHANNEL for a handpicked selection of science fiction and fantasy films. With a new movie released every day, there is always something exciting to watch.
Overall, “The Liberator” is a must-see for fans of action-packed cinema. Get ready to be captivated by the high-octane adventure and intense performances in this exciting film.
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Video “THE LIBERATOR 🎬 Exclusive Full Action Movie 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 07/08/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
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