In a recent episode of Nightly News, viewers were met with a wave of unsettling headlines. The day marked the worst of the year for stock markets, as fears of an impending recession sent investors into a frenzy. Trade partners also imposed new tariffs on the U.S., adding to the economic uncertainty gripping the nation.
One of the more surprising stories covered on the broadcast was the opposition from the District Attorney to resentencing the Menendez brothers. The infamous siblings, who were convicted of killing their parents in the 1990s, continue to captivate the public with their legal battles.
The search for a missing college student and winter tornadoes slamming Florida highlighted the ongoing turmoil felt across the country. Frustration over FEMA cuts and protests over the arrest of a Palestinian activist served as reminders of the social and political issues facing communities nationwide.
A fiery tanker collision at sea and a whistleblower accusing Meta of ‘growth-at-all-costs’ added to the drama unfolding in the news cycle. However, amidst the chaos, there were also uplifting stories, such as a Spelman College student soaring to new heights.
Overall, the Nightly News broadcast on March 10th shed light on the most pressing and impactful stories of the day, leaving viewers with a mix of emotions ranging from concern to inspiration. For more in-depth coverage of these stories and others, viewers are encouraged to visit the NBC News website.
Watch the video by NBC News
Video “Nightly News Full Episode – March 10” was uploaded on 03/11/2025 to Youtube Channel NBC News
Thank you 💙 🇺🇸
Cuts are comparison to cutting an old tree down before you can plant a new tree in it’s place be patient Americans. We have to crake a lot of eggs before we can make the perfect omelette.
Surprisingly NBC managed to make a report of less than 2 min about stock plummet
Is Trump a Russian agent trying to destroy America from within?
The one that is crazy is Elon. Why would he do this to his own company? He wants to lay the blame on others when this is a result of what as caused. Your action have consequences and the karma as caught up with him. This is not the left. There is no left or right. Only all those they're hurting of the American people. Many of which voted for Trump. Now Bunker Boy Trump is hiding again and Elon is left to pay the piper.
لّكلّ فُآرحً ومٌستٍبشر بقدومٌ شهًر رمٌضآن آلّمٌبآركـٍ ونحًن آلّيِتٍيِمٌآتٍ گٍآن وآلّدنآ يِدخلّ علّيِنآ آلّفُرحًهً گٍلّ رمٌضآن وآلّشگٍوى لّغٌيِر آلّلهً مٌذٍلّهً ولّگٍن آلّظَروفُ آجُبرتٍنيِ آخيِ آحًتٍيِ علّيِنآبآلّلّيِ يِگٍتٍبهًآ آلّلّهً يِآآخيِ آنيِ آختٍگٍ آحًنآجُآوعيِن بدون آگٍلّ وصِآحًب آلّبيِتٍ يِشتٍيِ آيِجُآر آلّبيِتٍ ولّآبيِخرجُنآ مٌن آلّبيِتٍ آرحًمٌنآ لّوجُهً آلّلّهً تٍصِدق علّيِنآ حًتٍى بحًق نصِ گٍيِس دقيِق وقطمه رز ومكرونه ارحمنا وامسح دمعتنا""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ' اني اترجاك واتوسل إليك يااخي ان تقراء رسالتي كامله ولاتتركها بدون ماتقراها اخي اني عارفة ان في نصابين لكن انا مستعدة اثبت لك كلامي اخي انااقسم بالله علئ كتاب الله اني لااكذب عليك ولاانصب ولااحتال اني بنت يمنيه من تعز اناواسرتي وعلينااجاربيت ويشهد الله ان قد علينا متأخرات حق4شهور وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ماترحم والله يااخي انه يجي كل ساعة يبهذلناويتكلم عليناويريد ان يطردنا من البيت للشارع لانناماقدرناندفعله الاجارومايروح إلئ بعدمانبكي ورجعوتكلموعليه الناس ومهلنالاخرهذا الاسبوع وإذامادفعناله حلف يمين بالله انه بيخرجناإلئ الشارع بدون رحمه احنا اسره فقرات ولانجدقوت يومنا وعايشين اناوامي واخوتي سغار والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه ومامعنااحدفي هذاالدنيا يقف بجنبنا في هذا الضروف القاسيه ومامعي اخوان كبار اناالكبيره في اخوتي ولكن انابنت لااستطيع مثلك ان اروح اشتغل بين الرجال واصرف علئ اسرتي والله ثم والله يااخي انناقدلنايومين محرومين من الاكل والان لومااحد ساعدنا بحق كيلو دقيق اقسم بالله اننا انموت من الجوع فيااخي انادخيله علئ الله ثم عليك واريدمنك المساعده لوجه الله انشدك بالله وبمحمد رسول الله يامن تحب الخير واتساعدني ولو بحق ربع كيس طحين ان تراسلي واتساب علئ هذا الرقم 00967739730991وتطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولاتتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيااخي انت رجال إذاشفت اسرتك جا"""وعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكل ولكن انابنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك انااقسم بالله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلاعمدوبسط ألأرض ومهداني لاأكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ماطلبتك إلئ من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي
أحنافيه واناوسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره علئ مساعدتنا لاتتاخر عليناوجزاك ألله خير،،،،،،،،،،،،،،😢🎉😢😢ء
Why are you ignoring Bernie Sanders?
Good thing America doesn't need Canadian lumber. NO FEMA!
TIME, to slash the secret services? Don't need them! Save a buck Elon. Why on earth 🌎 would there 🤔 be something to worry about?
Lister Holt ain’t gone yet? When is his last day?
The secret services really need to be cut back like any other agency 🤔!?
Countries need to keep to themselves.
LATINOS FOR TRUMP can't understand why eggs are so expensive right now. 😂
If we call Latinos for Trump stupid , they get offended. 🤣
What's the point of having a jury trial when governors are always overturning verdicts.
The secret services really need to be cut back like any other agency 🤔!?
This trade war is going to blow up right in trumps face how dare he put us all in the middle of his war he has plenty of money to keep him happy what about us hes messing with our lives shame on him turn trumps electricity off put him in the dark thats where he’s putting us
Congratulations to
Camora Freeland for acquiring her pilots license at the young age of 17. 💐 🌹 🌸 🏆
The damage caused by the Biden debacle is catching up ..
Deport all the illegal criminals. Why is NBC supporting people hurting America?
Going to miss you Lester. 😢
The Simpons said he would crash our economy … $7 a dozen eggs anyone ?
Americans consume excessively, demanding abundant resources and seeking the cheapest goods online; China’s economy is essentially Amazon, supplying most products sold there; mom-and-pop stores have disappeared due to high costs of training and education for U.S. factory jobs.