The Pack is a chilling thriller that delves into the dark underworld of the Draymen Estate, an urban legend known for its unsavory locals and brutal violence. When two naive student filmmakers decide to make a sympathetic documentary about life on the estate, they quickly realize that the problems of drugs and crime run much deeper than they could have ever imagined.
Directed and written by Jason Ford, the film stars Jemma Dallender, Elliott Jordan, and Paul McNeilly in a terrifying tale that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. As the students uncover the horrifying truth behind the disappearances and violence on the estate, they are forced to confront a community filled with unimaginable horror.
The Pack is a must-see for fans of horror and thriller films, offering a gripping and intense story that will haunt audiences long after the credits roll. With suspenseful twists and a terrifying atmosphere, this movie is sure to leave a lasting impact on anyone brave enough to watch.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “The Pack (Thriller) Full Movie” was uploaded on 12/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
Vos vidéos ne sont pas seulement du contenu, elles sont de l'art. Merci pour votre contribution au monde de YouTube !🏍🌈🎃
C'est normal que la vidéo je ne l'entends pas en français ??? 😮😮😮
C'est quoi comme langue???
Farah,je n'entends pas non plus en français,je ne connais pas cette langue.
Heureusement qu'il y a la traduction.
Bonne soirée à vous.
Такую фигню несут, кагда идут по лесу
Имоции уверенность, провода, качерга
Хорошо показывает
Мне знаете куда лайк поставить?? 😅
Insulting the working class again typical
les pistes audios ; c'est soit en allemand ou soit en anglais…….et pas en français ,c'est dommage !
Merci!!! 👀👀👀
22:05 donne moi juste 1 minute, tu vas mourir madame
25:30 j'espère que c'est elle qui va mourir, car elle est la plus entiché.
dobry diky
Dobar film ali bojim se drugog dijela ! 👍