In the upcoming film, “The Garfield Movie” (2024), our favorite lasagna-loving cat, Garfield, finds himself embarking on a wild adventure after reuniting with his long-lost father, Vic. Forced to leave behind his pampered life and perfect home with his canine friend Odie, Garfield joins Vic on a hilarious heist with high stakes involved.
Directed by Mark Dindal and starring Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson, and Nicholas Hoult, this family movie promises plenty of laughs and heartwarming moments. As Garfield navigates the challenges ahead, he must prove his mettle and protect his loved ones from danger.
With a mix of humor and heartfelt moments, “The Garfield Movie” is sure to delight audiences of all ages. Stay tuned for its release in May 2024, and follow Garfield and his friends on their thrilling journey.
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Video “THE GARFIELD MOVIE Trailer 2 (2024)” was uploaded on 03/04/2024 to Youtube Channel