In a tragic incident that has shocked the nation, a 14-year-old student, identified as Colt Gray, has been named as the suspect in a school shooting that took place at Apalachee High School in Georgia. The shooting resulted in the deaths of four individuals, including two students and two teachers, with nine others sustaining injuries and currently receiving treatment at local hospitals.
The shooting has left the community in mourning as they try to make sense of this senseless act of violence. The school shooting has once again brought to the forefront the ongoing issue of gun violence in schools across the United States.
As the investigation into the incident continues, authorities are working to piece together the events that led to this tragedy. The motive behind the shooting remains unclear, leaving many in the community searching for answers as they come to terms with the loss of lives.
Efforts are being made to provide support and counseling for those affected by the shooting, including students, teachers, and families. The community is coming together to offer their support and condolences to those who have been impacted by this heartbreaking event.
As the nation grapples with yet another school shooting, questions are being raised about how to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for action to address gun violence and ensure the safety of students and educators in schools across the country.
Our thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones during this difficult time as they mourn the loss of their friends and family members.
Watch the video by BBC News
Video “Georgia school shooting: 14-year-old in custody after four killed | BBC News” was uploaded on 09/04/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News
Suppose it was them far right nazi thugs again from britanistan
In what in God's name is a kid aged 14 doing with a gun ? Absolutely disgusting!
The west needs to turn back to God and embrace his son jesus christ. There is no mental illness but a spiritual one.
God rest in peace all of the dead, at least the police arrived in time to prevent a higher death count
What about the UK invasion . There must be calls for the Army and full Navy to stop the amount of illegal crossings. This is bordering on insanity.
America never changes.😞
Why is this getting international coverage? There's massShootings every day in this country
What is the meaning of "he will be tried as an adult"?
When do you get tried as something you are not?
As always…let’s have those thoughts and prayers FFS
How is this news anymore?
He's a minor with a weapon, where are his parents! Lock up those guns, mental health is an issue,, but why go into a school & shot your piers ! Absolutely so very sad !
Here we go again, will America never learn, until you ban firearms this will keep on happening over and over again.
The usual suspect.
San Jose Workplace, Stalking, Cyberstalking, Construction Worker, Mass Shooting
Parents should be charged with negligent homicide
One of the children killed was Mason Schumerhorn, he was autistic 😞
Now where are you, Marjorie Greene? Where's that machine-gun-loving bravado today?
This is why I will never live in the USA. And they don't even have universal healthcare.
Guys stop freaking out, it's not like it doesn't happen everyday.
queue the thoughts and prayers from the republicans
Current state of UK, America & Europe!!! Don't know what's happening to the youth today…. children being stabbed, shot, abused, killed!!!
This is what happens when you normalize "gun owner" being a staple of ones personality.
Wait, how can you lay changes with an active investigation going?
Sad news, again, from usa. So many guns everywhere, this is out of control.
(idc if you aggree or you sleep with your rifle)
Thoughts and prayers
Who taught this child how to fire a gun?
A normal day in America
Why has a kid got a gun? America is corrupt as hell, no other country in the world has school shootings like America does. Biden needs to sort that country out in regards to guns.
His name is Colt
With every incident like this I become ever more astonished at your unwillingness to take on strong gun control.
My thoughts to the families of the victims.
Why is the guy in the background swaying so much?
Normal day in USA
Thank you for covering this.
Around that age normal kids discover their bodies and yet in this case they do everything to end theirs.
The the unsecured weapons are all on the parents. ㅡ
The indoctrination into gun culture is societal. Pass severe gun laws.
Now can we talk about commonsense gun safety laws? Why do civilians need a high powered, AR-15 weapon of war? Thankfully, Kamala Harris will be President soon and these high power weapons will be outlawed.
That’s a lot of magat looking white men.
Is the shooter a white or latino
crazy how this continues to happen , in UK we had ONE school shooting and changed gun laws. How can they just watch as it gets worse?
Was some bullying? And disliked teachers,. I guess
instantly on the news, yet other shootings in schools arent, why…?