Global National: July 14th, 2024 | Biden orders investigation into unsuccessful assassination plot against Trump

Global National: July 14th, 2024 | Biden orders investigation into unsuccessful assassination plot against Trump

Former President Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt that left one spectator dead and two others injured. The gunman responsible for the attack was also killed. In response to the incident, U.S. President Joe Biden has ordered an independent review of the security measures leading up to the attack and has called for unity in the nation. Global’s Jeff Semple is on the ground in Pennsylvania, where the attack took place, to provide updates on the situation.

The assassination attempt has raised questions about the upcoming Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Tenn., where Trump is expected to be crowned as the official Republican candidate. Despite the attack, Trump has arrived in the city for the convention. Global’s Washington Bureau Chief Jackson Proskow delves into how the events on Saturday will impact the convention and its proceedings.

The U.S. Secret Service is facing scrutiny for a potential security lapse at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania. Global’s Mackenzie Gray examines the unfolding of the attack and the inquiries now being made regarding the security measures in place.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, along with other world leaders, has condemned the attack on the former president. Despite differing political leanings, leaders worldwide have come together to denounce the violence. Redmond Shannon provides insight into the varying tones and focuses of these statements.

As investigations continue and the nation processes the shocking events, the aftermath of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump remains a focal point on the global stage.

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Video “Global National: July 14, 2024 | Biden orders review of failed Trump assassination attempt” was uploaded on 07/15/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News