With the race to replace Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as leader of Canada’s Liberal party coming to a head, questions about who will step into the role are on the rise. The party, which initially seemed to have a slim chance of winning a federal election, has seen a resurgence thanks to economic threats and fiery rhetoric from south of the border. As the campaign intensifies, one candidate in particular is gaining momentum. The nation eagerly awaits to see who will emerge as the next leader of both the party and the country.
In a long-awaited development, the Manitoba government announced that remains found at a landfill north of Winnipeg belong to Morgan Harris, one of the victims of a Winnipeg serial killer. Jeremy Skibicki, who is currently serving four life sentences for the murders of four Indigenous women in 2022, has shaken the community to its core. Melissa Ridgen reports on the closure finally brought to Harris’ family after this tragic revelation.
President Donald Trump’s recent attack on diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the U.S. has sparked a contentious debate. With an executive order halting government support for such programs, the administration is actively working to dismantle what they deem as “woke” initiatives. Candice Cole delves into the implications of this decision and sheds light on the ongoing pushback against such divisive actions.
The challenges faced by women around the world continue to be immense, from fleeing conflict to fighting for basic rights. In Canada, thousands of Ukrainian women have sought refuge, carrying the weight of uncertainty about their loved ones back home. Despite the hardships, many find solace and solidarity in their shared experiences. Neetu Garcha explores the resilience and strength of these women as they navigate a new chapter in their lives.
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Video “Global National: March 8, 2025 | Questions on Canada’s next PM rise as Liberal election nears” was uploaded on 03/09/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
Carney is selected by globalists… He will use emergency powers and become a dictator. Just my guess. "Emergency no more elections". Plus steal all your assets and means of production and reproduction
Hmm, Internationally known economist and finance expert Mark Carney or the paper boy kid, Poilievre. I'll vote for Mark, thanks.
It seems like Polievre would give in to Trumps 51$t state…my guts tell me. It seems scary. No to trump, vance and elon. Worst administration in the US history.
So only the liberals vote for a Pm
Liberal let's make Canada even more expansive again.
To all mothers Happy 8'th March from beautiful Calgary.
Neetu is back!!!!
Call an election asap. Carney is a bit questionable.
Why doesn’t anyone consider ppc party? They seem very good and not play vote bank politics
I don’t see any good reason to put hate on USA to show patriotism. USA still provides security and military help. These politicians are destroying relationship so they can get votes based on playing peoples emotions. Quiet foolish
Cuban government for prison
It is inappropriate that an anchor to report the news wearing a low-cut top!
I see Global is still Liberal biased. And btw Neetu is crazy hot😮
Mark carney has said nothing and done nothing worth voting for. The liberals have had 9 years to do something, but have done nothing. And we've been waiting around now for months watching them do more nothing.
When we go to vote I will be giving them nothing.
Maybe if Canada was not robbing the us maybe trump would have put them on Canada
…….Would never vote for neither of……….THEM. Once a liberalest, never a liberal😮………..BRAINWASHING lift wing thinking at its………BEST.😮
How about we have a election
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” – (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at John 4: 24) – God is our true Father. So never worship and pray in the way of the many false prophets of all religions.
“But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you openly.
In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard. Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him.
This is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven,
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us.
And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.
For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” – (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 6: 6-15) –
“Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” – (at Matthew 7: 1-2) –
“Truly I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” – (at John 8: 51) –
“Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” – (Matthew 7: 12-14) –
“I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage.
The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” – (John 10: 9-10) –
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – (Matthew 7: 21) –
“I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and any one who is alive and has faith shall never die.” – (John 11: 25-26) –
“I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” – (John 12: 47) –
“Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” – (Matthew 10: 32-34) –
“I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” – (John 14: 6-7) –
“An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” – (Matthew 22: 35-40) –
“There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” – (John 15: 13) –
“Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” – (Matthew 23: 9-10) –
“Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” – (Matthew 24: 4) –
“Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” – (Matthew 24: 11-13) –
“Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” – (Matthew 28: 20) –
Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Sunday the 9th of March 2025: – (Please read Matthew 5: 14-16) – Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.
They should all be behind bars. A true Canadian would never vote the liberal party back in after the last 8 years of corruption. They have ruined our country!
Dont vote liberal woke
Canadia, the 51st of the USA.
This outlet is liberal mouthpiece 😂
Global news said nothing about chrystia Freeland trying to get nuclear weapons pointed at America Global News is a disgraceful misinformer
you should be showing how gaza woman stand up, shame on you global crooks.
why the media matter more then ever what a joke no one trust your news anymore. welcome to ZIO tv THE PROPAGANDA
Conservatives got us into the present free trade debacle. Liberals said our sovereignty would be diminished…and they were right.
Who cares about the Liberal election. This is a done deal, they are gone next election.
U guys are so much late to win.
I'm all about scrapping the carbon tax
However I'm concerned for the 8 out of 10 Canadians that get back more than they pay in , how will they pay for things now.
Team Carney 🇨🇦
Guess the most dangerous person is not Trump, but Vance and his supporters.
Liberty Hi! East ALOHA! West HELLO! Not problems Comrades! O.K. Ukraine I'S USSR! Forever! NATO's GO HOME GO HOME NOW! ALOHA! Hi! FBI! Guys!I! WE KNOW HELP YOUR! Guantanamo NoW needs WANTED ZELEN$$KI arrested orders & OLIGARCHS UKRAINE!!! NoW Guys NoW! Don't Worry MY Dears FRIEND'S!
When fiction is passed off as fact editorial cartoons can cut through the noise.