Good for Me and Good for the World | Rika Sueyoshi | TEDxKeioU – Video

Good for Me and Good for the World | Rika Sueyoshi | TEDxKeioU – Video

In the TEDxKeioU video titled “世界にいいが、私にいい。/ Good for the World, Good for Me,” speaker Rika Sueyoshi delves into the concept of making choices that benefit both ourselves and the world around us. Sueyoshi explores how our actions can have a ripple effect on society and the environment, emphasizing the importance of considering the greater good in our decision-making process.

Drawing from personal experiences and examples of individuals who have made a positive impact through their choices, Sueyoshi challenges the audience to reflect on how their own actions can contribute to a better world. She encourages viewers to embrace a mindset of sustainability and social responsibility, highlighting the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Through her engaging and thought-provoking talk, Sueyoshi inspires listeners to become more mindful and intentional in their daily routines, ultimately advocating for a harmonious coexistence between ourselves and the planet. The video serves as a powerful reminder that what is good for the world can also be good for us as individuals.

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エシカルは世界に良い影響を与えるだけにとどまらず、実は我々自身にもポジティブな影響を与えてくれる生活の指針( …

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Video “世界にいいが、私にいい。/ Good for the World, Good for Me | Rika Sueyoshi | TEDxKeioU” was uploaded on 08/26/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks