Gunmen Attack Churches and Synagogues in Russia’s Dagestan – Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Gunmen Attack Churches and Synagogues in Russia’s Dagestan – Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Multiple attacks on churches and synagogues in Russia’s Dagestan region have left at least 19 people dead, according to Russian officials. Gunmen targeted the places of worship in a series of violent incidents that have shocked the local community.

The attacks on the religious buildings have sparked fear and concern among residents in Dagestan, a region that has seen previous instances of religiously-motivated violence. The gunmen’s motives remain unclear, but the impact of their actions is devastating.

Russian authorities are working to identify and apprehend those responsible for the attacks, as well as to ensure the safety of worshippers in the region. The violence has triggered a wave of condemnation from both local and international leaders, who have called for an end to the targeting of religious institutions.

The attacks on churches and synagogues in Dagestan serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges of religious tolerance and security in Russia. The repercussions of these violent acts will no doubt be felt for a long time to come as the community grapples with the aftermath of such senseless violence.

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Video “Churches & synagogues attacked by gunmen in Russia’s Dagestan | Al Jazeera Newsfeed” was uploaded on 06/24/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English