The official trailer for the upcoming film “HAZARD” introduces audiences to a compelling story of a young man struggling to overcome addiction and the toll it takes on his family. Written and directed by talented filmmaker Alex Roe, the movie stars Sosie Bacon in the lead role, alongside acting veterans Alex Roe and Steven Ogg.
The trailer opens with haunting images of the protagonist, played by Bacon, as he grapples with the demons of addiction and the devastating impact it has on his loved ones. As he navigates through a series of challenges and tragedies, the young man is forced to make difficult life choices in order to break free from the destructive cycle that threatens to tear his family apart.
With a powerful and emotional performance from Bacon, supported by the strong on-screen chemistry with Roe and Ogg, “HAZARD” promises to be a gripping and thought-provoking drama that delves deep into the complexities of addiction and the indelible bond of family. Set against a backdrop of raw emotion and intense drama, this film is sure to resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impact.
As the trailer comes to a close, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the release of “HAZARD” and the emotional journey that lies ahead. With its stellar cast, talented director, and compelling storyline, this film is poised to be a must-watch for cinephiles and drama enthusiasts alike.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “HAZARD Official Trailer (2025) Sosie Bacon, Alex Roe, Steven Ogg” was uploaded on 12/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Drugs Are Bad, M'kay? : The Movie
Average movie 5/10
ATI: Lin Ziola