Headlines from the UK Election 2024

Headlines from the UK Election 2024

In the latest election headlines for Saturday 15 June, the UK political landscape is heating up as the 2024 election approaches. Sir Keir Starmer has made a bold statement by ruling out raising capital gains tax on main homes, promising it won’t happen in the next parliament.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been attending a peace conference in Switzerland, showing his commitment to finding a resolution for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The SNP’s Kate Forbes has been in South Lanarkshire addressing the effects of Brexit on trade barriers, particularly on the food and drink industry.

Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey is focusing on crime, with a proposal to scrap elected police and crime commissioners to redirect funds to frontline policing. As the election draws closer, the competition between the parties is becoming more intense.

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Video “UK Election 2024: The headlines | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/15/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News