“Heart Eyes” is a chilling horror movie set to hit screens this Valentine’s Day. The film centers around the notorious “Heart Eyes Killer,” who has been terrorizing romantic couples on Valentine’s Day for years. The killer is back this year, and no couple is safe from his menacing grasp.
The official trailer for “Heart Eyes” gives us a glimpse into the terrifying world of the killer as he stalks his latest victims. The trailer is filled with suspenseful moments that will leave audience members on the edge of their seats.
The cast of “Heart Eyes” includes talented actors who bring the story to life with their gripping performances. The director and writer have crafted a suspenseful and thrilling tale that is sure to keep audiences hooked from start to finish.
With a gripping storyline and a talented cast, “Heart Eyes” is set to be a must-watch horror movie for fans of the genre. Prepare to be scared this Valentine’s Day as the “Heart Eyes Killer” strikes again.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “HEART EYES Official Trailer #2 (2025) Horror Movie HD” was uploaded on 01/07/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Now this is a valentine film!
My partner tried to surprise me with breakfast in bed. It was sweet until I accidentally spilled orange juice on the sheets. Nothing like a sticky situation to start the morning😘
Oh thank Goodness, a film worth watching 😍🔪
A movie to make single people happy and feel included while couples feel scared and targeted
So romantic..
I'm sure that with Sony's track record this'll be a banger.
Watching the trailer….it’s gonna be free on YouTube as soon it comes out. And I’m still not gonna watch it
Looks dum
Is it Detroit?
Son of Sam if he missed the first time.
I know what u did last…crap!!!