Actor Henry Sanders is facing a devastating loss after his home in Altadena, a historically Black town in Los Angeles, was destroyed in the Eaton fire. In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight’s Kevin Frazier, Sanders opened up about the overwhelming support he has received from filmmaker Ava Duvernay and his co-star Colman Domingo in the wake of the tragedy.
Sanders became emotional as he spoke about how Duvernay and Domingo reached out to offer him help and support during this difficult time. The actor expressed his gratitude for their kindness and generosity, highlighting the true camaraderie and compassion that exists in the entertainment industry.
The loss of his home, which he had lived in for the past 30 years, has deeply affected Sanders, not only on a personal level but also on a communal one. He expressed concern that Altadena may not remain a historically Black town after the fires, as the high costs of rebuilding could potentially displace longtime residents.
As Sanders reflects on the devastating impact of the LA fires, he also recognizes the importance of community and solidarity in times of crisis. The support he has received from Duvernay, Domingo, and others in the industry serves as a reminder that kindness and compassion can make a world of difference in the face of adversity.
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Video “LA Fires: Henry Sanders Chokes Up Over Ava Duvernay and Colman Domingo's Support After Losing Home” was uploaded on 01/17/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
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