Heusgen advocates for Ukraine’s ability to deploy long-range missiles on Russian territory

Heusgen advocates for Ukraine’s ability to deploy long-range missiles on Russian territory

The Chair of the Munich Security Conference, Christoph Heusgen, has made a bold statement in a recent interview with Deutsche Welle, advocating for Ukraine to have the ability to deploy long-range missiles on Russian territory in order to defend itself. He emphasized that Ukraine, as a victim of aggression by Russia, should have the right to strike military targets within international law.

Heusgen’s comments come at a time when tensions between Ukraine and Russia are high, with recent attacks on Ukrainian territory by Russian forces. In particular, he criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin for his attack on the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Ukraine, just a day before the NATO summit, calling it a clear violation of international norms.

In addition, Heusgen expressed concern about the ongoing debate about US President Joe Biden’s fitness for office, stating that such discussions are not helpful and that the world needs strong US leadership. He also warned against speculation about a possible second term for former President Donald Trump, noting that Trump’s unpredictable behavior makes it difficult to predict his actions.

Regarding Hungarian President Viktor Orban, who recently met with President Putin, Heusgen was critical, describing Orban as a “clown” who undermines European unity. He expressed frustration over the fact that Hungary benefits greatly from the European Union, yet Orban continues to pursue policies that are detrimental to European solidarity.

Heusgen’s remarks highlight the complex geopolitical challenges facing Europe and the need for strong, principled leadership to address them. As tensions continue to simmer in the region, his call for Ukraine to have the means to defend itself against Russian aggression underscores the importance of upholding international law and protecting the sovereignty of nations.

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Video “”Ukraine should have the ability to deploy long-range missiles on Russian territory”: Heusgen” was uploaded on 07/11/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News