Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria, is no stranger to controversy, especially when it comes to her Spanish accent. On the couple’s reality show, ‘The Baldwins,’ Hilaria addresses the backlash she received over her accent and reflects on her journey of learning to change it long before it became a topic of discussion in 2020.
The mom of seven has faced criticism and scrutiny from the public for supposedly exaggerating her Spanish roots. Some have questioned the authenticity of her accent and questioned whether she was truly Spanish. In response to the backlash, Hilaria opens up on the reality show about how she learned to change her accent over the years, even before it became a controversial issue.
‘The Baldwins’ gives viewers a glimpse into the lives of Alec and Hilaria, showcasing their family dynamics and personal struggles. The show touches on sensitive topics, including the controversy surrounding Hilaria’s Spanish accent, and allows the couple to address it head-on.
Despite the criticism, Hilaria remains steadfast in her identity and continues to embrace her Spanish heritage. The show delves into the complexities of cultural identity and challenges the stereotypes and judgments that individuals may face.
‘The Baldwins’ ai
rs on TLC on Sundays, giving viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the Baldwin family’s life. The show is also available for streaming on Max, allowing fans to watch episodes at their convenience.
Through ‘The Baldwins,’ Hilaria has the platform to address the controversy surrounding her Spanish accent and share her side of the story. The show offers a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs of navigating cultural identity in the public eye.
As Hilaria continues to face scrutiny over her accent, ‘The Baldwins’ provides a space for her to speak her truth and confront the controversy with transparency and authenticity. Viewers can tune in to see how Hilaria addresses the backlash and how she and Alec navigate the challenges of being in the spotlight.
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Video “The Baldwins: Hilaria Addresses Spanish Accent Controversy” was uploaded on 03/17/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Hilaria is trying being hilarious or just imitating Hayley’s mother accent since she’s brazilian
Viva la Raza
Hillary…stop it Hillary
As someone who also speaks English and Spanish (Spanish is my first language):
Listen Lady, I have NEVER met a bilingual person who has always lived in a country that speaks their first language (like you do) fumble and have an accent from their second language. That is ridiculous, get over yourself. Stop trying to be more interesting. It's not gonna happen.
No hun, it's called bull💩💩💩. And you are full of it!!!! Pretend to not know what you're doing when you know perfectly well!
Code switching…speaking with a Spanish accent to American talk show hosts?
Controversy?? Holy shit people are ridiculous. My brothers wife born and raise in America, second generation English parents. Her parents have English accents. She has no trace of an accent, UNTIL she talks to her mother, or a relative still in England. Then for the rest of the day she has an English accent..
she is a liar and a culture stealer
Ugh – I can't with this fool
Airhead, that is not code switching. That’s you pretending to be something you’re not…
I’m a Portuguese American born in Portugal and came to the United States at 2 1/2 years old and I have no accent when I speak either language I always felt sorry for the children whose parents were both Portuguese from the Azores and had to flee to Massachusetts because of volcano irruption‘s and had accents speaking English
Now after reading some of these comments and thinking about it when I was a Pan Am flight attendant my first base was London and I became shocked when other classes came in and after six weeks they had a British accent I’m like what😂
She's so fake. Oh, I'm sorry I should have said that in Spanish.
I enjoy the strawman argument. The fact that she loves Spanish and she loves English and when she mixes them she doesn’t see herself as inauthentic isn’t what anyone says makes her inauthentic. What makes you inauthentic Hilaria, is that you don’t have any Spanish heritage or cultural ties, and yet you use a Spanish accent, changed your name from Hillary, to “Ilaria” and chose Spanish names for your children even tho they have no connection to Spain either, instead of Irish or English names to reflect their real heritage, in order to reinforce the deliberate deception. You do it to make yourself more interesting. We all know that,, but you gaslight us because admitting that it’s an affectation would be too uncomfortable for you. So to deal with the dissonance of the deceit you endlessly try to explain it to us as if we don’t already understand. That’s what makes you inauthentic. 🫵
Yes i am a white girl
Only Americans normalize speaking one language. SMH 😒
Temu Gloria Delgado
Hysteria thinks trying to sound Hispanic makes her worldly. IMO, given her background, it makes her look silly and attention seeking!
The narcissist just can't stop lying to your face. Her and Alec are a perfect pair…however looks like 6 kids groomed by narcissistic parents will lose in the end. Liar liar pants on fire Hillaria.
Ohhh I get it so she’s just a liar and crazy
What does Alec Baldwin‘s “Spanish“ sound like?
Its so weird that she's not related to Hailey but they seem so so much alike.
Poor kids have two narcissist parents
You are so fake..
She is full of ishhh can't stand her.
She really asked what the english word for cucumbers is 😂
Very bizarre😬
Ohhhh, this is why I can’t get into their show. Something about her puts me off. Gives me anxiety.
COME ON!! Asking how to say cucumbers in ENGLISH??
You are NOT spanish..nor are your bloodlines. YOU ARE FROM BOSTON. Your parents now live in Spain, but they are NOT Spanish and you trying to act Spanish is soooo childish. Seeking attention???
I have Irish relatives so when I visit or stay with them IN IRELAND, do I suddenly come back with an IRISH accent and forget how to pronounce cucumbers in an American accent? No!
Lady ..PLEASE stop embarrassing your WHOLE family. will NOT shut up on the show. Let your husband SPEAK. And Alec, don't you have 8 kids? Ireland? Your FIRST child. You keep saying 'I have 7 kids.'
Hilary, really thinks SHE'S famous.
She is misappropiating a culture, to speak spanish is fine. But to claim your a spanish indvidual im sorry no she is not. You maybe raised there but that does not mean you are from there. That is like me having grown up in ireland and I say that im irish. Sorry hon, doesnt work like that. You are a white woman, Periodt.
Who would watch this clown show? If I were to guess, Alec is running out of money and this is why they have a reality show. smh..
That’s silly
No one cares at all
She has the same DNA as Meghan Markle.
GO AWAY..Catch a ride with Meghan Markle n take ur delusional existence somewhere else ur BOTH ONLY getting at because their husbands are Famous.😂
The issue may not be that she’s code-switching. The issue may be that she was not code-switching.
Perhaps a better example of code-switching is Gillian Anderson, who switches between American and British accented English and slang depending on where she is.
Previously, it almost seemed like Hilaria became so assimilated with Spain that she lost her American accent, and even some vocabulary.
On a talk show, her husband even once erroneously said that she was from Spain, as he parroted her Spanish accent for laughs.
You often see it in the other direction. Immigrants to the US become so immersed in American English that they start to lose some fluency in their mother tongue.
However, I do agree, with everything online these days, there are other questionable examples of misleading behavior in the past for them.
god i love this story…its the best lol
🤣 such an idiot
Its called being a fraud.
How do you say, fake?
Squeaky voice ugh !
I'm sorry but I continue to hear the fake accent and find it inauthentic and annoying
Code-switching has nothing to do with increasing vocal volume to accommodate a suspected hearing impairment. She sounds foolish.
Her parents were not native Spanish speakers, she is not a native Spanish speaker. Great to be bilingual, but changing your name and speaking in a non-native accent to try to gain some kind of cultural cachet is blech.
Her little daughter gave middle finger to her father. Very ghetto.
It's called mental.