Hillary Clinton, master of misinformation, makes hypocritical plea for censorship

Hillary Clinton, master of misinformation, makes hypocritical plea for censorship

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made headlines recently with her call for increased censorship in the fight against disinformation. In a video titled “Hillary Clinton, queen of disinformation, issues two-faced call for censorship,” Clinton was portrayed as a champion of truth amidst the chaotic landscape of the 2024 presidential race.

The video highlights Clinton’s controversial past involving accusations of spreading misinformation and dishonesty. Despite this, she now appears to be positioning herself as a savior of truth in a political climate rife with falsehoods and deception.

Clinton’s call for censorship raises questions about the limits of free speech and the role of social media platforms in combating disinformation. Some may see her intervention as hypocritical, given her own history with misleading statements and manipulation of facts.

As the 2024 presidential race continues to unfold, Clinton’s stance on censorship will undoubtedly spark debate among voters and politicians alike. The question remains: can a figure with a tainted reputation for honesty truly lead the charge against disinformation?

Watch the video by New York Post

Video “Hillary Clinton, queen of disinformation, issues two-faced call for censorship” was uploaded on 09/23/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post