Hoda Kotb, beloved TV journalist and co-host of the ‘Today’ show, bid an emotional farewell after 17 years on the morning talk show. During her final episode, Hoda broke down in tears as she signed off for the last time, surrounded by tributes from her colleagues and touching messages from celebrities.
The poignant farewell was filled with heartfelt messages from Hoda’s coworkers and friends, who expressed their gratitude for her years of dedication and friendship. But perhaps the most touching moment of all was when Hoda’s daughters, Haley and Hope, made a surprise appearance to show their love and support for their mom.
As Hoda wiped away tears, she thanked her viewers for welcoming her into their homes each morning and for allowing her to share in their joy and sorrow. The emotional send-off was a reminder of the impact Hoda has had on the lives of so many over the years.
Fans of Hoda Kotb and the ‘Today’ show took to social media to express their sadness at her departure, but also their well wishes for her future endeavors. Hoda’s final show was truly a testament to the love and admiration she has garnered throughout her career in broadcast journalism.
As Hoda said her final goodbyes, the studio audience erupted in applause, a fitting tribute to a woman who has brought so much joy and inspiration to viewers around the world. Hoda Kotb may be leaving the ‘Today’ show, but her legacy will undoubtedly live on in the hearts of those who have had the pleasure of watching her in action.
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “Hoda Kotb Tears Up During Final Today Show” was uploaded on 01/10/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Awww what a Beautiful Woman
Proud of you for prioritizing you
ClassACT ! Thanks for all the great stories, moments, etc. We will miss you @Hoda
good she is retiring. the younger generation should also have the chance
Best of luck Hoda.
Wao 😢😢😢😢
Thanks for the memories
Good luck with everything ❤❤
Hoda is so special. I’ll definitely miss her on the show!
Best wishes, Hoda ❤
Hoda vibrates so high, from the love frequency🤍 And this is the result: light, joy and beautiful depth✨
Thank you for your example Hoda, you’re going straight into my vision board🚀
Awe Hoda ❤😭
Best Wishes Hoda!!Have fun ,rest and enjoy your Girls full time❤