Houthi spokesperson emphasizes the responsibility of supporting Palestinians despite the sacrifices.

Houthi spokesperson emphasizes the responsibility of supporting Palestinians despite the sacrifices.

Houthi spokesman Mohammed al-Bukhaiti made a bold statement on Al Jazeera regarding the recent Israeli attack on Yemen’s Red Sea port city of Hodeidah. Despite knowing that there would be significant Israeli retaliation, the Houthi spokesperson defended their decision to attack Tel Aviv, citing the need to respond to Israel’s aggression towards civil establishments.

During the discussion, al-Bukhaiti condemned the actions of the ‘Zionist enemy’ and highlighted the crucial role of British and American support in enabling Israel to carry out its attacks. He emphasized that supporting Palestinians is not only a political decision but a duty that is rooted in humanitarian, ethical, and religious values. Al-Bukhaiti stressed that the ongoing Israeli attacks would only further strengthen their resolve to stop what he described as the ‘genocide’ in Gaza, regardless of the sacrifices that may be required.

In addition to discussing the motivations behind the Houthi’s decision to attack Tel Aviv, al-Bukhaiti also touched upon the group’s military capabilities and their coordination with other regional resistance groups. This highlights their commitment to defending the rights of Palestinians and resisting Israeli aggression.

Overall, al-Bukhaiti’s statements shed light on the Houthi’s unwavering support for Palestinians and their determination to confront Israeli actions, even at great personal cost. The discussion on Al Jazeera serves as a platform for the Houthi spokesperson to share their perspective on the situation in Yemen and the broader implications of the conflict with Israel.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “Houthi spokesman: ‘Supporting Palestinians is a duty, whatever the sacrifices are’” was uploaded on 07/21/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English