HRW says ‘The world appears indifferent to the oppression of Afghan women,’ France 24 reports

HRW says ‘The world appears indifferent to the oppression of Afghan women,’ France 24 reports

Human rights groups are in an uproar over the recent crackdown on women’s rights in Afghanistan, with new laws imposing strict regulations on women’s behavior in public. These laws require women to cover their faces and prohibit them from speaking or reading out loud in public.

While countries like the US and the EU have condemned these oppressive measures, human rights organizations argue that more should be done to address the situation. In an interview with Heather Barr, interim women’s rights deputy director for Human Rights Watch, it is clear that the world’s response to the oppression of Afghan women has been lacking.

Despite the outcry from rights groups, the international community seems to be responding with indifference. The lack of significant action on the part of Western countries and blocs highlights a troubling trend of complacency in the face of blatant violations of women’s rights.

As the situation for Afghan women continues to deteriorate, it is imperative that the global community comes together to support and protect the rights of women in Afghanistan. The world cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the oppression of women, and it is crucial that steps are taken to address this urgent human rights crisis.

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Video “Oppression of Afghan women: ‘The world seems to be responding with a shrug,’ HRW says • FRANCE 24” was uploaded on 09/03/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English