“Hyundai’s Supernal S-A2 Electric Air Taxi Gears Up for Launch” #shorts – Video

“Hyundai’s Supernal S-A2 Electric Air Taxi Gears Up for Launch” #shorts – Video

Hyundai, Supernal S-A2 Electric Air Taxi Preps for Launch #shorts

Hyundai is gearing up to launch its Supernal S-A2 electric air taxi, the newest electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL) from the Hyundai Motor Group’s Subal Advanced Air Mobility division. In a recent YouTube video, the company showcased the vehicle and provided a glimpse of what a trip in this modern marvel looks like.

The Supernal S-A2 is designed to comfortably accommodate four passengers along with a pilot. As it takes off, its vertical rotors lift the aircraft straight up into the air. Once it reaches a cruising altitude of around 15,000 feet, all of the rotors flip forward, allowing the air taxi to travel at a speedy 120 mph to its destination.

The range of the Supernal S-A2 is between 25 and 40 miles, making it suitable for short trips such as traveling from downtown to the airport. The company believes that this range is ideal for ferrying passengers to and from airports where they can catch regular commercial flights to their final destinations.

The video provides an exciting glimpse into the future of urban air mobility, showcasing Hyundai’s commitment to advancing the field of electric air taxis. The Supernal S-A2 holds promise for reducing congestion and revolutionizing urban transportation, offering a convenient and efficient mode of travel for short-distance trips. With its sleek design and innovative features, the Supernal S-A2 is set to make a significant impact in the world of air mobility.

Watch the video by CNET

The vehicle over my shoulder is the superal sa2 the newest EV tol or electric vertical takeoff and Landing aircraft from the Hyundai Motor Group subal Advanced Air Mobility division now let’s talk about what a trip in this vehicle looks like you’ll get in it there’s space for four passengers in a

Pilot it goes straight up in the air with its vertical rotors and once you reach cruising altitude of around 15,000 ft all of the rotors flip forward and you take off at 120 mph to your destination which can be anywhere between 25 and 40 m away that’s a pretty

Short trip but it’s exactly the amount of range that Soo thinks you’ll need for getting from downtown to the airport where you can get on a regular plane

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Video “Hyundai, Supernal S-A2 Electric Air Taxi Preps for Launch #shorts” was uploaded on 01/10/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET