Iconoclast Summit 2024: Democratizing Private Markets

Iconoclast Summit 2024: Democratizing Private Markets

The Democratization Of Private Markets | Iconoclast Summit 2024

The democratization of private markets has been a hot topic in the world of investing, and the recent Iconoclast Summit 2024 brought together some of the leading voices in the industry to discuss this important trend. Moderator Moira Forbes, President and Publisher of ForbesWomen, along with panelists Anne Valentine Andrews, Global Head of Private Markets at Manulife Investment Management, Suyi Kim, Global Head of Private Equity at CPP Investments, and Bruce Lee, Founder and CEO of Keebeck Wealth Management, delved into the implications of this shift towards more accessible private markets.

Private markets have traditionally been the domain of institutional investors and wealthy individuals, but as technology and regulations evolve, more everyday investors are gaining access to these opportunities. This panel explored how the democratization of private markets is opening up new avenues for growth and diversification for a wider range of investors.

Anne Valentine Andrews highlighted the importance of transparency and education in empowering investors to navigate the complexities of private markets. Suyi Kim emphasized the role of institutional investors in driving innovation and creating value in the private equity space. Bruce Lee shared insights on how technology is enabling broader access to private investments, leveling the playing field for investors of all sizes.

As the private markets continue to evolve, it is crucial for investors to stay informed and adapt to these changes. The insights shared at the Iconoclast Summit 2024 shed light on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in the democratization of private markets. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting trend as it continues to shape the future of investing.

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Video “The Democratization Of Private Markets | Iconoclast Summit 2024” was uploaded on 07/13/2024 to Dailymotion Channel Forbes