The upcoming film, “In The Lost Lands,” is set to take audiences on a thrilling adventure filled with magic, sorcery, and fierce action. The movie follows a powerful sorceress, played by the talented Milla Jovovich, as she embarks on a dangerous journey to the mysterious Lost Lands. Her quest? To obtain a magical power that grants the ability to transform into a werewolf.
Joining Jovovich in this epic tale is none other than the formidable Dave Bautista, known for his roles in action-packed films. Together, they will face unknown dangers, mystical creatures, and fierce adversaries as they navigate through the treacherous Lost Lands.
With a stellar cast and a captivating storyline, “In The Lost Lands” promises to be a thrilling action-packed movie that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Directed by Vertical and written by an acclaimed writer, this film is set to be an unforgettable cinematic experience that will leave viewers wanting more. Stay tuned for its release and prepare yourself for an adventure like no other.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “IN THE LOST LANDS Official Trailer (2025) Dave Bautista, Milla Jovovich Action Movie HD” was uploaded on 01/08/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
God the effect look horrendous
This doesn’t look good at all 🤦🏾♀️
Van BatistanG
This one looks fairly entertaining by comparison to every other movie trailer being released.
It’s funny because when I read the story the movie is based on years ago, I imagined a world much like The Lord of the Rings. Lots of greenery, almost like a fairy tale, especially at the beginning, and the Lost Lands as a desert surrounded by a magical darkness filled with glowing eyes. However, this twist surprises me, as the look feels more like movies such as Mad Max (which I love), and I’m really excited to see how they’ve brought the story to the big screen. There are witches, werewolves, creatures, magic, and brutal deaths, and the trailer captures all of that—I’m so thrilled! I think the movie is going to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see it, and I can’t wait to see Milla Jovovich kicking butt again!
The CGI is tacky. Looks a couple of decades outdated.
Looks fun
Not Bad.
Looks like hot garbage
Wow, 1998 wants its movie back please!
I'm really excited for this! It's been way too long since we've had this style of movie come out
It's giving rebel moon
If Milla Jovovich is in it, I’m watching it. She’s one of my favorite actresses. I also loved her in all the Resident Evil movies, plus I think she’s just a kind person & that’s RARE nowadays too many evil entities walking around making lives miserable because they love chaos. I’ll watch so-called “bad movies” with actors in them I love any day!!
i got so used to the rapid trailer logo, I was recently wondering why i didnt see it when I watched some of the movies… lol I realized of course, but for a second I was thinking something was off. you guys are my youtube goto for trailers.
I expected Zack Snyder's name to show up given that color palette and slow-mo….
This looks so incredibly, relentlessly stupid.
Let me know when I can buy tickets.
Maxx Fury and Priest to get this. nice.
-(Adding flares) "More!" (Adding more lens flares) "I said more!!" (he said more) "MOOOOOORE!!!"
Embarrassing trailer.
Who is this film aimed at? Backwoods?😂🤣😅
I HOPE the film isn't a success!
Bautista and jovavich. My two fav actors in one movie. This reminds me of all the resident evil movies she was in. This is going to be an awesome movie.
This looks like it could be really good. They did a nice job on the trailer.
No thanks on-woke Batista…. Truly revolting
LOL,looks like The Book of ELI with a little twist….
Trigun meets bulls@@t
Как бы я не любил Милу, но её последние фильмы, после Обители Зла…. не очень интересные. Эта роль очень напоминает её предыдущий образ в роли колдуньи в последнем "Хеллбое", которая тоже не впечатляла. CGI эффекты выглядят очень дешево.
While I'd REALLY like this to be good… it's got FLOP written all over it. I hope I'm wrong.
Give her to me and I'll let you live!
You call this living!????
He wears a pearl necklace IRL for a reason