Instant Karma Captured on Film – Video

Instant Karma Captured on Film – Video

Instant Karma Caught on Camera is a video compilation that showcases moments where individuals receive immediate consequences for their actions. Whether it’s a wannabe tough guy getting knocked down a peg or a reckless driver meeting their match, these clips serve as a reminder that karma is always watching.

The video captures a variety of scenarios where individuals who thought they were above the law or untouchable quickly find themselves facing the repercussions of their actions. From instant justice being served on the streets to hilarious comeuppances for those with bad attitudes, these moments are both entertaining and satisfying to watch.

So sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy watching karma in action with Instant Karma Caught on Camera. Don’t forget to subscribe to Novella for more videos like this. And remember, what goes around, comes around.

Watch the video by Novella

Video “Instant Karma Caught on Camera” was uploaded on 03/18/2025 to Youtube Channel Novella