Intensified Military Operations in Latakia and Tartous by Syria’s New Forces

Intensified Military Operations in Latakia and Tartous by Syria’s New Forces

Syria’s new administration is ramping up military operations in the former Assad strongholds of Latakia and Tartous in an effort to maintain security and control in the northwestern regions. The intensified efforts come as the new forces seek to assert their authority and assert control over key strategic areas in the country.

The military operations have focused on cracking down on armed groups and securing the regions against any potential threats to stability. Troops have been deployed to conduct raids and patrols, working to root out any remaining loyalist forces still operating in the area.

The administration’s determination to secure Latakia and Tartous highlights the importance of these regions in the ongoing conflict in Syria. Both areas have long been considered strongholds for the Assad regime, and their control is seen as essential for maintaining stability in the region.

The intensified military operations in Latakia and Tartous represent a significant development in the ongoing power struggle in Syria. The new administration’s efforts to assert control in these former Assad strongholds demonstrate their commitment to establishing their authority and maintaining security in the country.

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Video “Syria's new forces intensify military operations in former Assad strongholds, Latakia and Tartous” was uploaded on 12/29/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English