In 2012, the world of genetics changed forever with the discovery of CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary tool that allows precise DNA modifications.
Scientists can now edit genes with unprecedented accuracy, offering hope for curing genetic diseases, fighting cancer, and even reversing aging. But with immense power comes great responsibility.
From treating incurable conditions to reshaping ecosystems, CRISPR challenges our ethical boundaries.
Should we embrace this genetic revolution, or are we playing with forces we don’t fully understand? As science advances at breakneck speed, society must decide how far we are willing to go in rewriting the code of life.
Original Title : Tailored Humanity : A Revolution In Genetics
Directed by Etienne Blanchon and Caroline Hocquard
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Video “Curing Diseases or Playing God?” was uploaded on 02/17/2025 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
I prefer praying 🙏 to GOD n I be healing 🙏 hallelujah BENDICIONES 🇲🇽🙌
Quel titre complètement niais 😂 Et les médecins est-ce qu'ils jouent aux apprenti sorciers 😅
GENES are God’s Code of Creation. Genes are in all living things, not created by man, but by GOD HIMSELF! Messing with Genes will bring God’s Wrath down upon you and no one will sympathise with you, because you brought it upon yourself!
I believe in wizards not this.
Bill Gates
Tudo que for feito e estudado para ajudar as pessoas 👤👥👤👥 É de GRANDE valor. Que tremendamente tenham sucesso.
Playing god to kill cancer itself to cure all illegal diseases?
We love to blame big pharma and for good reason.
Splinting your broken arm or playing god,
Brushing your teeth or playing god ,,wiping your arse or pla……
I don't even care anymore. If we are able to do something that can still categorize humans as "intelligent", let's do it while we can.
Ninguém consegue brincar de Deus, é ilusão achar que co segue brincar de ser Deus ou de fazer oque ele faz.
Ai is coming the end is near repent
That's right , these are all signs of the End Times , The Lord is coming to clean up this mess , get ready / prepare +++
Doctors / Big Pharma get off on playing GOD …
Cela doit poser, au truste pharmaceutique un véritable dilemme ?!
Qui a le pouvoir, les financiers ou les politiques ?
Se prendre pour un être fictif dont l'existence n'est en rien prouvée ? Et donc on peut se passer pour expliquer l'apparition/existence de l'Univers ? Si dilemme il y a il n'est pas là. Si cela permet de soigner, de diminuer ou faire disparaitre de la souffrance humaine, alors il n'y a aucune question a se poser. Ce qui peut poser problème c'est si on tripatouille l'ADN pour changer l'être humain de façon à "l'améliorer" par exemple pour en faire un meilleur soldat. On peut se passer des religions pour les dilemmes médicaux, on peut juste questionner une morale/éthique humaine tout ce qu'il y a de plus laïque/athée.
35:13 the yelling beast, some sorta broken bits of DNA?
Sadly pharmaceutical companies are using this technology against us; Bill Gates; Klaus Swaup and George Sorros benefit from this evil😢
Add, an indonesian audio track please❤
Siempre entregándonos contenido de calidad. Gracias Best Documentary.
You are too slow, 2 minutes of time and 1 kuvetz is enough for improvement. Treacherous Chinese, I'm glad I didn't teach you 😊
Let's do it like this, bring me 2 patients, let's go live, one of them has stage 3 cancer, the other has fecal and let's see the result
Plus de liens avec la nature vue la rue bcps d enfants hors sols😂
Des hommes probables 😂
L homme sans qualité l heure.du temps …
Scary whichever way you look at it🙃😮!!!!!
Um tanto quanto assustador no fim do documentário, mas abre balizas pra muitas reflexões sobre essa tesoura genética que ainda se encontra em desenvoltura científica…
J’ai mis cette vidéo dans « A regarder plus tard » mais je ne peux pas m’empêcher de remercier d’avance pour ce sujet si passionnant
I love being reminded of how many people in this world are smarter than me… very comforting.
Il faut allez dans ce sens il y a eu L'homme de cromanion, après quelques milliers d'années il y a eu l'homosapiaince.
Aujourd'hui il faut évolué pour dépasser ce stade misérables d'être humain si demain ils cherchent des volontaires pour des injections expérimental pour créer un esqeur de résidents evil où un king Bradley même si les chances que sa marche atteignent 30% je suis leur homme.
Eradicating the species of mosquitos that causes malaria by gene manipulation may be well intended, but these expert Genetics have seemingly forgot to factor in the process of EVOLUTION!
Come on, it's lesson 101, MUTATION!
Of course, not all mosquitos would die, some most certainly possess a DNA structure unaffected by the modification. The survivors with this immunity would rapidly reproduce, becoming more resilient, stronger and increasingly difficult to combat. New Malaria strains would also evolve posing an even greater threat to populations.
Removing one species from an ecosystem without considering its place within it, is complete madness and totally unscientific.
Likewise, vanquishing all diseases, increasing lifespans, designing future offspring and enhancing humans in general at the molecular DNA level is playing with fire!
Having the knowledge and ability to achieve these things doesn't automatically grant us permission.
Remember, we're on a spinning ball of rock 4 billion years old, upon which over 99% of all species are now extinct.
We may think we have conquered Nature, but it's got a nasty habit of kicking back!
Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth
Paul McGuinness, February 2025
You have the right to edit your own DNA. You do not have the right to alter the DNA of anyone else including your child.
But l this CRISPR technology will a game changer.