Is Joe Biden’s Parkinson’s Disease Obvious to Everyone Except the President?

Is Joe Biden’s Parkinson’s Disease Obvious to Everyone Except the President?

In a recent video titled “Is the Joe Biden Parkinson’s issue obvious to everyone except the prez?”, New York specialist Dr. Tom Pitts made a bold statement that he could have diagnosed President Joe Biden’s Parkinson’s disease from across a mall. With Biden’s vacant stare, shuffling gait, and frozen face, it doesn’t take a medical expert to see that something serious is amiss.

Despite the obvious signs, the Biden administration continues to evade questions and obscure the truth. Dr. Pitts, a Democrat himself, emphasized that diagnosing Biden is not a difficult task and that he sees similar cases regularly in his clinic.

The New York Post’s Executive Editor Sam Munson shed some light on this issue, pointing out the administration’s reluctance to address the concerns about the president’s health. The video raises important questions about transparency and honesty in politics, especially when it comes to the leader of the country.

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Video “Is the Joe Biden Parkinson’s issue obvious to everyone except the prez?” was uploaded on 07/12/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post