Is the AI becoming a “Machine God” a cause for concern? – Video

Is the AI becoming a “Machine God” a cause for concern? – Video

Should we be worried about AI turning into a “Machine God”?

In the video “Should we be worried about AI turning into a ‘Machine God’?” the concept of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial super intelligence (ASI) is explored. AGI refers to the idea that a machine could potentially be smarter than a human at almost all tasks, which is the goal of organizations like OpenAI. There is a debate about the implications of such technology, including concerns about the possibility of AI surpassing human intelligence and rendering humans obsolete.

While some people are genuinely worried about the potential risks associated with AGI and ASI, the speaker in the video suggests that it is more important to focus on the continued growth and improvement of AI in the near-term. Instead of fearing a future where AI dominates humanity, it is suggested that individuals should consider how they can utilize AI to enhance their skills and abilities.

Ethan Mollick, an Associate Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, highlights the importance of understanding how AI can be used to support and augment human capabilities. By embracing AI technologies and leveraging them to enhance human strengths, individuals can adapt to a future where AI plays an increasingly prominent role in society.

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Ethan Mollick is an Associate Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he specializes in …

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Video “Should we be worried about AI turning into a “Machine God”?” was uploaded on 06/14/2024 to Youtube Channel Big Think