Israel intercepts missile launched from Yemen following strike on Houthi rebels

Israel intercepts missile launched from Yemen following strike on Houthi rebels

Early Sunday morning, the Israeli military successfully intercepted a missile that was fired from Yemen towards Israeli territory. This incident occurred just hours after Israeli warplanes had launched a strike on Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have been on high alert due to the ongoing conflict in Yemen, where Houthi rebels have been battling against government forces. The missile fired towards Israel was intercepted by the country’s air defense system, preventing any damage or casualties.

The IDF has not disclosed the exact location where the missile was intercepted, but they have confirmed that it was launched from Yemen. The interception of the missile serves as a reminder of the volatile situation in the region and the constant threat Israel faces from its neighboring countries.

Following the interception, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the military’s quick and effective response, stating that Israel will continue to defend itself against any threats to its security. The IDF has also reiterated its commitment to protecting Israeli citizens and ensuring the country’s safety.

The incident highlights the ongoing tensions in the Middle East and the complex challenges faced by countries in the region. The situation in Yemen remains volatile, with a civil war ongoing and various factions vying for control. Israel’s interception of the missile fired from Yemen underscores the importance of vigilance and preparedness in the face of threats from hostile factions.

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Video “Israel shoots down a missile fired from Yemen hours after an Israeli strike on Houthi rebels” was uploaded on 07/21/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English