Israeli detention of Palestinian man leaves him with life-threatening injuries upon return to Gaza

Israeli detention of Palestinian man leaves him with life-threatening injuries upon return to Gaza

A Palestinian man, who has a mental health condition, went missing for a month and has returned to his family in Gaza with life-threatening injuries after alleged detention by Israelis. The man’s family reported that he was taken into Israeli custody and held for an extended period of time before being released with severe injuries. This incident highlights the ongoing human rights abuses and violence faced by Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. The man’s family is calling for justice and accountability for the harm inflicted upon their loved one, as well as for an end to the systemic oppression and violence imposed upon the Palestinian people. This case serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for international intervention to address the plight of Palestinians living in Gaza and throughout the occupied territories.

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Video “Palestinian man returns to Gaza with life-threatening injuries after alleged detention by Israelis” was uploaded on 06/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English