Israeli military retrieves bodies of hostages from Gaza • FRANCE 24 English

Israeli military retrieves bodies of hostages from Gaza • FRANCE 24 English

Israeli forces made a grim discovery on Thursday as they recovered the bodies of five hostages who were killed on October 7 from the Gaza Strip. This development comes just one day after Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a fiery speech in Washington DC, where he vowed to achieve ‘total victory’ against Hamas and defended the war in Gaza.

According to ABC correspondent Jordana Miller, Netanyahu’s speech has not sat well with the families of the remaining hostages, who are demanding an “urgent meeting” with the Prime Minister upon his return from the US. The families are likely seeking answers and accountability for the tragic outcome of the hostage situation.

The recovery of the bodies underscores the ongoing tensions and violence in the region, as Israel and Hamas continue to engage in conflict. The situation remains highly volatile, with both sides facing criticism and calls for accountability for civilian casualties and human rights violations.

As the families mourn the loss of their loved ones and demand answers, it is clear that the aftermath of this hostage situation will have far-reaching implications for the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It remains to be seen how Netanyahu and the Israeli government will respond to the families’ calls for a meeting and how this latest development will impact future actions in the region.

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Video “Israeli army recovers hostage bodies from Gaza • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/25/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English