In a recent large-scale Israeli military offensive in the occupied West Bank, at least nine Palestinians have been killed in air strikes and raids. This operation, described as the largest since the second intifada over two decades ago, has also resulted in the injury of at least 10 people in the cities of Tubas and Jenin.
Palestinian fighters have been engaging with the Israeli army using improvised explosives, while Israeli military bulldozers and armored vehicles have been seen storming towns north of Ramallah. The situation on the ground is chaotic and tense, with both sides heavily involved in the conflict.
Hassan Barari, a professor of International Affairs at Qatar University, believes that Israel sees this as an opportunity to use tactics similar to those employed in Gaza without much scrutiny. The ongoing violence and clashes in the region are exacerbating an already tense situation, with both sides showing no signs of backing down.
The escalation of violence in the occupied West Bank is a stark reminder of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict and the challenges faced by those living in the region. The international community has called for a de-escalation of tensions and a return to dialogue to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, as the raids and air strikes continue, the situation remains volatile and uncertain for those caught in the crossfire.
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Video “Occupied West Bank raids: Large-scale Israeli offensive kills nine Palestinians” was uploaded on 08/28/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English
Shame on you UN and OIC
If Palestinians do not fight back they will be killed or chased out of their homes. Israel is illegally occupying Palstinian land and countries are just looking on? Where these so called International law being upheld?
This injustice and barbarism needs to stop
What kind of people are this
This injustice and barbarism needs to stop
What kind of people are this
They have zero care for human life
Becos they white skinned they enjoy an unjust and evil impunity
76 years of illegal occupation, brutality, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing. Israel is Shameful and illegal state!
And still the rich Arabs just sit around on theor couches, counting their oil money, doing business with Israel and politely ignoring the obvious genocide.
Why are these bulldozers destroying the roads? Are they looking for military tunnels? I don't get it
Katz is demon possessed
“For the isr**lis, if Isr**l has the right to exist, then Palestinians do not have the right to exist”. Chas Freeman. Former US ambassador on India & Global Left channel.
Amerika baked haha
"isrealis had it hard"????
blame the USA and westerns
Israel no plan amerika arab

It's not a ear. Palestinians do not have an army. Freedom fighters aren't an army.
Of course they'd think they can take whatever land they want, they took over the WH years ago.
Where are the Arabs countries!!
The ongoing conflict between GZ and ISR is marked by escalating violence and human rights abuses. The actions of ISR's military, under the leadership of its Prime Minister, have resulted in a humanitarian crisis. The international community, is urged to take decisive action to prevent further suffering and promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict.. Regretfully we are witnessing an justifiable reticence of the USA in taking tangible actions against atrocious brutalities on innocent people.
This is why I say that Israel and Zionism are not inherently Jewish; they are completely and utterly secular. Whether you are Jewish—most Zionists—or Christian, you can trace the beginnings of your religion back to Abraham. Abraham immigrated to what we now call Palestine from what we now call Iraq. Abraham had a son named Isaac, who then had a son named Jacob. Jacob is the ancestor of the twelve tribes of Israel. You cannot claim that the Jews were in Palestine before the Arabs when your own holy book tells you that you are descended from an Iraqi man. Unless, of course, the holy teachings and writings are of no consequence to you, and you are really just interested in creating a white European nation-state in the middle of the Arab world.
Israel sangat kejam…jalan raya pun.. mereka hancurkan…supaya Palestine milik mereka,, wahai saudaraku muslimin bersatulah umat nabi Muhammad sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam bangun lah kamu bantulah saudara kita sedang di tindas ini
May ALLAH protect them
Enabled and funded by western “democracies”
Propoganda silliness
So the western are deceiving yourself again. The genocide in America, Europe, and Australia, the two world wars, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Libya, Iraq, the Holocaust, Vietnam, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, and now Gaza—who committed these atrocities? Can you guess how many sons of Adam, how much humanity, was consumed in all these conflicts? Now, tell me these were not done by followers of the Christian cult. If you are not pro-human, you are pro-Satan, because Satan is the enemy of Adam and his sons. Now, prove to me, in light of these facts, whether Christians are pro-humanity or anti-humanity. And if they are anti-humanity, who are you supporting in that case?
Do you mean nine terrorist, right?
What they do and then call them self god chosen peoples shameless Israelis killer of innocence womens and childrens
Palestine will never walk alone ALLAH is with us
This people that don’t understand to live in peace they do the crime, and when they attack them they cry.
it's not anti-terrorism raids…. it's anti-resistance raids…. please get it right…. resistance is not terrorism…. As per the ICJ, the occupation is illegal and Palestinians have every right to resist the occupation, even armed resistance.
Israel is trying to squash the resistance in the West Bank… but…
Palestine will be free from the oppression of Israel.
Israel belongs to the Jewish people given from their God, Yahweh.
Even bible and historians know the that was and still land of Israel
Shame on the so called world leaders and arab leaders
Israel will never win the truth
Palestine be strong ALLAH is with us 
Its judah after which jews are named not west bank ( english name )
Jews are called jews becz of this area judah . People dnt even know little bit if history
It is judah jewish land . Occupied by arab ottoman settlers ..
Sickening and disgusting
Shame on the world.