Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu dissolves six-member war cabinet

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu dissolves six-member war cabinet

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made the decision to dissolve his six-member war cabinet, just days after the departure of key opposition leaders. This move comes amidst sensitive discussions regarding the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

Reports from Israeli media indicate that Mr Netanyahu will now address these critical issues within a smaller forum, rather than the larger war cabinet. This decision follows pressure from far-right ministers within his coalition to expand the war cabinet, a move that could have strained relationships with international allies, including the US.

Despite this change, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has made it clear that the chain of command will remain unaffected. This development comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region and will likely have significant implications for the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

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Video “Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu dissolves six-member war cabinet | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/17/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News