Israeli PM Netanyahu’s speech before US Congress replayed on FRANCE 24 English

Israeli PM Netanyahu’s speech before US Congress replayed on FRANCE 24 English

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech before the US Congress, declaring that Israel’s battle against Hamas in Gaza is also a fight that America must stand behind. With a resolute tone, Netanyahu emphasized that “our enemies are your enemies,” prompting thunderous applause from the audience.

Despite the overwhelming show of support within the chamber, the speech was not without controversy. Dozens of congressional Democrats boycotted the address, citing concerns over the political implications of Netanyahu’s visit. Meanwhile, outside the Capitol, thousands of protesters gathered to voice their opposition to the Israeli Prime Minister’s policies towards Gaza.

During his speech, Netanyahu reiterated Israel’s commitment to defending itself against threats from Hamas and other terrorist organizations. He also stressed the importance of the US-Israel relationship, stating that the two countries share common values and interests in combating terrorism and promoting peace in the Middle East.

The Prime Minister’s address comes at a critical time, as tensions in the region continue to escalate. Netanyahu’s words serve as a reminder of the complex geopolitical challenges facing both Israel and the United States, and the need for strong leadership and cooperation in addressing them.

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Video “Replay: Israeli PM Netanyahu speech before US Congress • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 07/24/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English