“It is time for this war to end” Kamala Harris speaks after meeting Israeli PM Netanyahu

“It is time for this war to end” Kamala Harris speaks after meeting Israeli PM Netanyahu

US Vice President Kamala Harris met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday to discuss the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. During a press conference following their meeting, Harris emphasized the need for peace and called for an end to the violence that has plagued the region for far too long.

Harris reiterated the United States’ unwavering support for Israel’s right to defend itself, while also acknowledging the suffering of Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire. She emphasized the importance of finding a diplomatic solution to the conflict, rather than resorting to further military escalation.

The meeting between Harris and Netanyahu comes at a critical time, as the violence between Israel and Hamas shows no signs of abating. The recent escalation in fighting has resulted in hundreds of deaths and widespread destruction, prompting international calls for a ceasefire.

Harris’s comments reflect the growing urgency to bring an end to the conflict and prevent further loss of life. As a key ally of both Israel and the Palestinians, the United States has a crucial role to play in facilitating negotiations and working towards a lasting peace in the region.

With the support of the international community, Harris expressed hope that a ceasefire could be achieved and a path towards reconciliation and stability could be forged. It is clear that the time for this war to end is long overdue, and Harris’s words serve as a reminder of the need for all parties to come together and prioritize peace above all else.

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Video “‘It is time for this war to end’ Kamala Harris speaks after meeting Israeli PM Netanyahu | DW News” was uploaded on 07/26/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News