Ivanka Trump to Attend Republican National Convention, Describes Donald’s Conviction as ‘Painful’

Ivanka Trump to Attend Republican National Convention, Describes Donald’s Conviction as ‘Painful’

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of former President Donald Trump, will be in attendance at the Republican National Convention to support her father as he officially accepts the party’s nomination for president. In a recent interview, Ivanka admitted that her father’s recent conviction was “painful,” but will still be by his side at the upcoming event.

Despite distancing herself from politics in the past, Ivanka will be present at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin later this month. Her spokesperson confirmed that she will not be serving in any political capacity at the event, but simply attending to show her support for her father.

This will be a change from previous conventions where Ivanka played a bigger role, including introducing her father to the stage in 2020. Regardless, her presence at the RNC will undoubtedly draw attention and spark interest from supporters and critics alike.

Stay tuned for updates on Ivanka Trump’s involvement at the RNC and follow the latest news on the event at the New York Post.

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Video “Ivanka Trump will attend the Republican National Convention, calls Donald’s conviction ‘painful’” was uploaded on 07/03/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post