Jay Slater search called off by Tenerife police

Jay Slater search called off by Tenerife police

The search for British teenager Jay Slater, who went missing in Tenerife, has come to a sad end as police have announced that the search operation has been called off. Jay, a 19-year-old from Lancashire, England, disappeared on 17 June after informing a friend that he was lost in the mountains.

Despite a thorough search effort conducted by Tenerife’s Guardia Civil and dozens of emergency workers near the village of Masca in the Rural de Teno national park, Jay has yet to be found. Saturday marked the final day of the search, with authorities confirming that all efforts to locate Jay have been exhausted.

This heartbreaking news has left Jay’s family and loved ones devastated, as they hold onto hope for his safe return. Our thoughts are with them during this difficult time.

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