Moments after former Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney was crowned as Canada’s new Liberal leader and the next prime minister, former prime minister Jean Chrétien expressed his confidence in Carney, stating that he was “very optimistic” about his abilities. Chrétien, who served as the 20th prime minister from 1992 to 2003, believes that Carney will be a very good leader for Canada.
Chrétien, known for his fiery speech about U.S. President Donald Trump, criticized Trump’s constant presence in the headlines, referring to it as “over-exposure.” With his extensive experience in Parliament and as a former prime minister, Chrétien’s endorsement of Carney holds weight in Canadian politics.
It will be interesting to see how Carney’s leadership unfolds and how he addresses the challenges facing Canada in the coming years. With support from influential figures like Chrétien, Carney may have a strong foundation to lead the country effectively.
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Video “Former PM Jean Chrétien “very confident” in Mark Carney after Liberal leadership win” was uploaded on 03/10/2025 to Youtube Channel Global News
And we the people will vote them out.
Global News, out to pump the liberal Agenda!, thanks Global! We all know your disgusting narrative drivers.
If carney has any integrity he would call for an election!…
Oh boy! 🤦🏻♂️
Corrupt criminal liberal propaganda at its finest.
carney is a banker that is only interested in tax money. liberals lost my vote after years of incompetence. i guess im conservative now
Chretien gave an amazing speech. The man is a legend.
We need an election now liberals gotta go!
We. Want to choose the prime minister in a free and fair elction.
Chrétien is a dedicated liberal and will,always support the party no matter what fools are running the party. Carney cannot be trusted. He is like Trudeau; just add or increase taxes to pay for dumb promises that Canada cannot afford.
Election NOW
Carney never “won” he was put in place by the WEF liberal hierarchy, remember Chrétien lost due to similar corruption as Trudeau
So many lies his face is melting off
I have the highest respect for Chretien. It just took a big drop. Where’s the federal election? I did not vote in an election containing this central banker, Carney.
what a joke
I am excited to pay more in taxes. Mark Carny, for the rich, by the rich, and there to destroy the poor, and middle class. So what, Mark Carney will raise taxes by another 20-50%, sounds like the average voter is going to have a great time.
Confident like he was Trudeau Confident? 🙄
Anybody ever wonder why the Liberals had to parachute in someone like Carney? What was wrong with the imbedded Liberal members that have been at the political front for the past 10 years? It wouldn’t be an “image” issue would it? A star? An individual whose only claim to fame is as a number cruncher? Let’s be honest here… this whole leadership thing was all smoke and mirrors and the sad part is the Liberal membership was in agreement with it all.
Cretien? Canada is in good shape? Go back to sleep Jean.
A canadian fore father of strangling free speach
The gaping blind spot (in which Justin has made himself a fool) is the Eastern Europe conflict. It is bad that both federal parties are unable to speak well, that old lies have to be carried by new administrations. The Green Party of Canada is one of the few parties that speak of peace. In short No to NATO No to War is the way out. The fight is there not in the fields and seas of Europe.
We didn't have a "Liberal election" we had a clown show with a bunch of seals clapping for the guy that was selected a long time ago. CALL AN ELECTION!!!
Oh right, we listen to and trust everything Chrétien says 🤦♀️ they’re all a bunch of old cronies and it’s terrifying.
Mark Carney started the housing bubble, getting Canadians into debt, then he went to UK and did the same. His company invests in real estate. There you go.
Yep a huge wad of cash and a Liberal will say and back anyone.
Pierre P for PM! CPC
He said the same thing about Trudeau 🤣
Carney Stinks.
I dont ,hes a multiple fraud contributor. Stop gas lighting cretian , creepy carney will destroy us even more ,jean you were horrible by the way ,so your advice is mute
Terrible party, terrible person, terrible corruption! Election now!
Who do u think has been advising Justin all this time
A lot of upset Conservatives mad they didnt get to slam dunk on an easy target like Freeland, and are now realizing they wont get a majority and have a real chance at losing. Also telling how many have no idea how a parliamentary system works…
If Carney was Trudeau's economic advisor for the last 5 years, why hasn't the standard of living increased then? Ask yourself this.. as a Jean Chrétien liberal, I'lI be voting for Pierre this time around, done with fanatic environmentalists stopping the massive economic growth this country has the potential to achieve.
look! a old communist comes to back up his young one